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Jesper snackar dynga då och då. Här är beviset.

Jesper Holmberg - Amatörunderklädesmodellsaspirant

Localization Bugs: Clipped text, #1

About as common as duplicate hotkeys are dialogs with clipped text. And just as with duplicate...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/22/2004

Localization Bugs: Hotkeys, #5

One more example of duplicate hotkeys and then I'll let it go. Five is enough. A lot of applications...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/19/2004

Problems with getting Telnet access on localized Windows

As I mentioned last week, a Swedish community site has been set up. It's already producing results....

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/15/2004

För dig som är intresserad av språk, lokalisering eller svensk Windows...

För en stund sen skrev jag om att vi har snackat lite om hur vi kan komma lite närmare användare i...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/12/2004

Localization Bugs: Overlocalization, #1

"Overlocalization" happens when you translate something that should not have been translated....

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/11/2004

Hur go e den då?

Under avdelning Kassa översättningar hamnar den här frågan: Vad svarar man? Det som skedde här är en...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/10/2004

Localization Bugs: Hotkeys, #4

Another area where we see entirely too many duplicate hotkey bugs is in the MMC snap-ins. MMC,...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/10/2004

Vad betyder am och pm?

Jag kollade precis loggen som visar hur folk hittar hit, och av nåt skäl leder sökningar som "vad...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/08/2004

Localization Bugs: Hotkeys, #3

Continuing on the theme of duplicate hotkeys, I'll now show you something that resembles the...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/08/2004

Refreshed MSDN glossaries available

All of the MSDN glossaries have been recreated*. There are two major changes - A few glossaries were...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/07/2004

Saker vi inte översätter

Även om du använder en lokaliserad version av Windows kan saker dyka upp på engelska. Vissa saker är...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/05/2004

Localization Bugs: Hotkeys, #2

The other day I showed a very simple bug. So simple, it simply shouldn't happen. If I ever check in...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/05/2004

Vad heter "interface" på svenska?

"Interface" är ytterligare en term som kan vara klurig när man översätter. Visst är vi...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/04/2004

Localization Bugs: Hotkeys, #1

The Hotkey bug. My arch nemesis. "Duplicate hotkeys" is probably the most common type of bug I see...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/03/2004

Weirdest thing...

Last night I booted my home machine. It started ok, but once I logged on it was dog slow. "Whut",...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/03/2004

Localization bugs

Sometimes I hear that people who prefer non-localized Windows do so because they perceive that it's...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 11/02/2004


Taking a sick day, I was bored enough to start cleaning up my hard drive at home. Man, I've got a...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/29/2004


After my whining last week, I ended up ordering an Athlon XP Mobile, a Gigabyte board and 512 MB of...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/09/2004

Event log messages - what a bother!

A localizer such as myself, working on a large project such as Windows, is bound to come across...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/06/2004

Vad heter "discovery" på svenska?

"Discovery" är ytterligare ett ord som bara inte kan översättas. Under Windows XP SP2, när stödet...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/04/2004

Quick note on the MSDN glossaries

Just a few notes about the MSDN Glossaries, 1) There are some problems with the Hindi glossaries....

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/03/2004

Upgrade? Downgrade?

It's time to retire my old 450 MHz pIII. On it, I have built countless civilizations; I have...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/03/2004

Announced: Windows XP Starter Edition in Hindi

The fifth Starter Edition language was announced the other day - Hindi. Details are at...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/01/2004

Like Macs? Wanna be a localizer?

I just noticed that the Mac team in Dublin, Ireland is looking for a localizer who's a native...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 10/01/2004

Rea på Windows

Om du inte har skaffat Windows XP ännu kan det här vara rätt tillfälle. Just nu får du 200:- rabatt...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/28/2004

Announced: Windows XP Starter Edition in Russian

The Starter Edition program is growing - it began with Thai, Malay and Indonesian and now Russian...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/27/2004

Performance counters - pretty straight forward

The System Monitor is an important feature in Windows. It allows administrators to monitor various...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/24/2004

Vad är en "device"?

I Windows översätter vi "device" med "enhet". Det funkar fint, eftersom det i allmänhet är en...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/21/2004

Vad är en "provider"?

Termen "provider" är lite som "scope". I Windows har vi två olika översättningar: "Provider" blir...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/20/2004

Vad är ett "scope"?

Termen "scope" har varit ett problem. Jag antar att den fortfarande är lurig. I Windows använder vi...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/17/2004

ADM files - not so bad

Group policies are amazing. There are hundreds and hundreds of settings that you, the network...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/16/2004

VBS files is the worst

Yesterday I was whining about a bunch of command line utilities in Windows. As useful as they are,...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/14/2004

This type of command line utility is the worst

Over the last few releases, several interesting command line utilities have moved from the res kit...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/13/2004

Command line utilities is the worst

Try this:Open a command prompt windowType "netsh" and press enterType "help" and press enterPlay...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/10/2004

Localization & misspellings

So Swedish XP SP2 has been available from the Download Center since Monday. On Monday I proudly...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/08/2004

Mer uppföljning från IDG

Svenska IDG skrev en artikel om att svensk SP2 nu kan hämtas från I forumet ställdes...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/07/2004

Skeppat: MUI för Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005

Ytterligare ett projekt som jag har jobbat på under vårkanten/sommaren har skeppats. MUI för...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/03/2004

One way to use the MSDN glossaries

I couldn't* sleep Saturday night, so I wrote some code. I mean, what else can you do? I said to...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/01/2004

Skeppat: Windows XP Service Pack 2

Som man kan läsa i IDG är den svenska versionen av Windows XP Service Pack 2 på väg upp till Windows...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 09/01/2004

Web Page Localization

I've been asked about ideas for localizing aspx web applications. I don't have a lot of experience...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/31/2004

Friday post: book reviews

It's Friday. If you're planning on doing some reading this weekend, here are some book reviews:...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/27/2004

Skeppat: två små verktyg

Två små verktyg som jag har lokaliserat har skeppats - Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM --...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/23/2004

Apropå ingenting...

Om du bor i Sverige och misstänker att du har fått virus kan du få nästan gratis support. Det enda...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/19/2004

Localization & Consistency

Our localization tool has a feature for performing inconsistency checks. It's not so good. It works...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/17/2004

A brief history of localized Windows

It used to be that we either localize a product or we don't. Either you could get Windows 2.10 in...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/16/2004

Det kurrar i magen

Saker som finns i Sverige och som borde finnas här också: Estrellas dillchips Findus färdigfrysta...

Author: Jesper Holmberg [MSFT] Date: 08/13/2004

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