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Windows 7 Compatibility - We’re Here to Help

Did you know Windows 7 was released to manufacturing on July 22nd and is already available for download on MSDN and TechNet?

Did you know computer manufacturers could begin shipping Windows 7 PCs as early as this month?

Many large IT departments have been saving their upgrade budgets for Windows 7, and we want to do everything we can to help ISVs confidently state their support for this exciting new OS.

Getting compatible with Windows 7 is probably easier than you think, and here are the five easy steps every ISV should know.


Step 1: Get Windows 7

There are several ways to get a copy of Windows 7 (see this post), and MSDN and TechNet customers can download the RTM bits today. If you don’t have MSDN or TechNet you can start with the Release Candidate and Windows 7 will be on store shelves in October.


Step 2: Test on Windows 7 in Your Next QA Pass

This part is easy. Windows 7 installs in less than 45 minutes and runs great in virtual environments. Just install your application, run your tests and uninstall your application the same as you would on Windows Vista. And if you want to increase your testing coverage, why not grab the free testing tool available in the Windows 7 Logo Toolkit? If your application passes these tests, you’ve already met most of the requirements for logo compatibility!


Step 3: Fix any Incompatibilities

Don’t worry! The vast majority of applications compatible with Windows Vista area already compatible with Windows 7. If you run on Vista, chances are your tests will pass with flying colors. And if not, we’re here to help. The Microsoft Front Runner program has engineers standing by to help resolve problems via phone and e-mail. We even have a field response team ready if the issue can’t be resolved remotely. Best of all, each of these resources are free to use!


Step 4: State Your Compatibility in Front Runner

Congratulations, you’re compatible! Now it’s time to share the good news with your customers and get some marketing benefits along the way. Just log into Front Runner and add or update your product information. When you mark your solution as compatible, your product will be added to the Compatibility Center and your marketing benefits will become available.


Step 5: Relax and Enjoy the Benefits

You’ve earned it! Put those marketing dollars to good use. And while you’re at it, why not show you’re an early adopter by displaying the Front Runner logo?

Finally, relax! We’ll be here to assist you long after you’ve stated your support. If anything happens in the wild, we’ll be standing by to help.