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ImmutableStack in F# Part 2

I'm a bit busier than I thought I would be after returning from vacation.  But I had a little bit of time to play around with the implementation again today.  Thanks to all the suggestions in the comments from the previous post

This version has a couple of improvements including

  1. Removing the ambiguous constructor
  2. More efficient All() implementation

Remaining issues:

  • Need to make it generic :)
  • Still exposing a type union.  Great for F# but it produces somewhat awkward looking metadata for non-F# languages to consume


namespace Col
    type ImmutableStack =
        | EmptyStack
        | Value of int * ImmutableStack
        static member Empty = EmptyStack
        static member Create( l:#seq<int> ) =
            let s = ref ImmutableStack.Empty
            l |> Seq.iter (fun n -> s := (!s).Push(n) )
        member x.Count =
            let rec count t (cur:ImmutableStack) =
                match cur.IsEmpty with
                    | true -> t
                    | false -> count (t+1) (cur.Pop())
            count 0 x
        member x.IsEmpty =
            match x with
                | EmptyStack -> true
                | _ -> false
        member x.Push(y) = Value(y,x)
        member x.Peek() =
            match x with
                | EmptyStack -> failwith "ImmutableStack is empty"
                | Value (v,_) -> v
        member x.Pop() =
            match x with
                | EmptyStack -> failwith "ImmutableStack is empty"
                | Value (_,n) -> n
        member x.Reverse() =
            let rec doBuild (cur:ImmutableStack) (building:ImmutableStack) =
                match cur.IsEmpty with
                    | true -> building
                    | false -> doBuild (cur.Pop()) (building.Push(cur.Peek()))
            doBuild x ImmutableStack.Empty
        member x.All() =
            match x with
                | EmptyStack-> Seq.empty<int>
                | Value (v,n) -> seq {
                    yield v
                    yield! n.All() }
