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Thames Valley Park* ...

In my quest trying to find something for an earlier post, I found this image which was too good not to share.



In the Credits was a link to Janina Köppel's ExcellentSP-Studio site. It's done in flash, which proves that although flash is often put to bad uses, that's not always the case. 

We had a lot of fun at home doing members of the family, characters from Robin Hood, and finally other our the team - and that includes George while we're on the Road (her picture is rather too flattering after the one she posted of me).  

andrew eileen George

james steve viral

Last year I was trying to draw some cartoons for this blog ... Now at the weekend I was looking through a book of Banksy's work, in which he poses the question "Many artists are prepared to suffer, but why are so few prepared to learn to draw ?" This might see the cartoons making a comeback


*Thames Valley Park is the address of Microsoft in the UK


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Blue eyeshadow? Blue? Blue??? Green (or Red) puhleease - to go with my eyes :)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    As James points out, after posting a less than flattering picture of him with the team when we were so

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    best post of all time throughout the known and unknown multiverse.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Apple and more particularly the "We're SO superior" attitude of their ads and fan-children gets up the noses of the broader IT community. Someone here is oversensitive. I can't tell if it's me for reacting to apple, or you for reacting to me. when I said that gender specific UI worked on various levels, I wondered if it was controls for a Man to use/woman to use OR if it was controls to operate a man/woman ? Or was it a play on how the sexes see each other ? Or a joke about how interface designers are guided by stereotypes ? I like ambiguous pictures where the viewer's interpretation is a key part of the picture. Of course there are some people who want to find something objectionable in everything...

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Russ, (and I assume you're the same Russ as before), I don't think you can talk about iPhone fud when you were the one who started the thing on "Smartphones are so full of toxic chemicals it's making me feel ill."   Glad you find something which you can say makes it worth time reading what I write. I wish I could say the same in return.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    My motivations are probably shallower than you imagine. I just write what seems interesting to me at the time. I posted a cartoon because it made made laugh and it served to introduce SP-Studio. I average an Apple related post about every couple of months, and this isn't the first time it's got this kind of result. Incidentally, evangelizing isn't the same as trying convert those of opposite belief.

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2007
    This isn't so much a comment on this post as on several of your recent posts. Macs and iPhones have comparably tiny marketshare, yet you spend lots of energy on them.  Just why are you so obsessed with them, and why is your obsession all about scoring points at some petty level? Keep sniping if you like (after all some people seem to like these posts), but you're certainly turning me off.  If you drive away everyone who isn't a dyed-in-the-wool windows advocate, will that really be an achievement to be proud of...? (FWIW, I'd also say that the appeal to stereotypes made in that "women are complicated / men are simple" graphic you linked to also suffers from a similar "enjoyed by the crowd but alienates some" quality.)

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2007
    I'm from the 'broader IT community' and, call me the oversensitive type too if you like, but I have to say I’m agreeing with Melissa on this.   Surely you must see that by your frequent attacks on the likes of Apple, you are adopting the self same 'we are so superior' attitude?! You’ve already given us iPhone 'FUD' and now the slightly more subtle ‘iPhones aren’t selling well’ dig the much more forthright ‘my mate basically says iPhones are a joke / cr*p' posts...  Perhaps you are still responding to the old ‘get a mac’ ads that implied that a PC is a bit dull?  The iPhone ads don’t even mention the all powerful smartphone and, as someone else commented, the two products really seem to be aimed at different users!  Apple are doing something right to get so much passion/poison and free publicity from you before you’ve even used one!  It certainly gives me the impression that your blog is more about scoring points and anti-‘the competition’ than pro-Microsoft and that doesn't make great reading…  Don’t get me wrong, there is a balance but keep it constructive. I didn’t find that fairly simple male/female ‘button’ graphic particularly clever, funny or amusing at the time on any of the multiple levels BUT I have to say that having to explain/analyse it for us, the readers, is pure comedy genius in itself and worth reading the blog for alone!  

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2007
    James, I DO think I can talk about iPhone 'FUD' since I'm the self same Russ you yourself owned up to FUD over your statements about using the iPhone one-handed in previous post.  In response to my pointing out the obvious 'fud', your comment was that I had a 'fair point, well made' if I remember rightly.  Well, I'm glad I was able to engage and make an interesting point back then but I'm obviously letting myself down lately.  I've already explained (twice) that the smartphone comment 'feeling ill' was just a simple lighthearted topical joke in response to your recent environmental post, call for Apple fan-boy rants and comments about 'believing what you read on the register'.  I even added the 'T Mac' part to this post as bit of a nod to you as play on your mac coolant story; again, I'm sorry that it's all lost on you and you've apparently taken it personally; that is not how it was intended and I apologise again.  I'm sad too that you're obviously finding engaging with your readers so boring.

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2007
    I think someone has a complex about working at the  "embarassing Dad" of the IT world!

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2007
    I think one of the major problems with these kinds of back and forth is that when one person says "a pure touch screen is no good for text messaging" or "a Prius is no good for transporting four people", there is ample potential for people to argue. You really shouldn't be surprised when and owner pipes up to say "WHAT!!?!". Also, if one in fifteen of your posts seems needlessly antagonistic, what would you have me do   - Leave,   - Stay and say nothing,   - Or tell you..? If the roles were reversed, I'd want to know. (Sent from my iPhone :-)

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2007
    The comment has been removed