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Lær mer om Windows 8 på Build i september - Få plasser

Nylig viste vi for første gang frem neste generasjon av Windows, kodenavn Windows 8. Windows 8 introduserer et nytt brukergrensesnitt og applikasjonsplattform basert på HTML5 og JavaScript for å utvikle interaktive applikasjoner. På konferansen Build (Anaheim, California 13.-16. september 2011) vil det for første gang bli anledning til å lære om hvordan programvarehus kan bruke mulighetene i Windows 8. Lær mer om hvordan dere kan utnytte et nytt og spennende grensesnitt for å levere produktive og attraktive løsninger til dine brukere. Build erstatter i år PDC-konferansen. Det er begrenset med plasser, så her kan det være lurt å være tidlig ute! Se invitasjon under. Mer informasjon om Windows 8 finnes her og video finner du her. Invitasjon til konferansen finner du under.


BUILD is the event that shows you how to take advantage of the future of Windows. Get insight on creating touch-centric user experiences, fast, fluid, and dynamic applications that leverage the power and flexibility of the core of Windows, used by more than a billion people around the world. Learn how to create powerful new apps while retaining the ability to use your existing apps. See how web-connected and web-powered apps built using HTML5 and JavaScript have full access to the power of the PC. Explore how the full power of hardware-accelerated Internet Explorer 10 transforms your experiences with the web. See how the UI was designed to work seamlessly with a diversity of devices and form factors. BUILD is the first place to dive deep into the future of Windows.

If you are a contemporary developer, who thrives on the newest and coolest, who loves the freedom of the web and the power of all devices from mobile to desktop, you need to join us to help BUILD the future. Our approach means no compromises—you get to use whatever kind of device you prefer to run the apps you love.


Register by August 1st and save $500.


In 1995, Windows changed the PC. BUILD will show you that Windows 8 changes everything.