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Learn how to SEO with Google Bing with SEO for SharePoint Search

It's simple really.


If you want to seo with google, google and seo, seo to google, learn how to seo, see how to seo, and well frankly find great seo tips, the number one thing to not do, is well,


You said that already Inoun. But I really do mean it, peanut. Great SEO with Bing, SharePoint, FAST, FSIS, FSIA, ESP, FIS-E, FIS-A, that great anti-query(google) or any other stupid four letter acronym(SFLA) or three letter acronym(TLA) that marketing propeller head bean counter types will come up with is done by you know how? hm? How?

Adding value.

(Was that a great last sentence or what?) It is true. It has been and it always will be true that the only business that stays in business is the one that creates business. In other words, adds value. It is done by adding new value every day. It is adding value today so that it can have value tomorrow. There is just know(I know) way around it. So go ahead and read all of the other stupid, inane, useless, "the seo", "seo tips", "seo how to", "learn how to seo", "seo how to" sites and books out there and then come back to your master. The "Inoun Bing Webmaster". "King of great SEO." "Master of the Webverse.". "Master of well,

A tree in the woods.

Cereally. I am nothing. I know nothing, but I do know one thing. Gimmicks just ain't going to cut it. (This includes stupid things like back links, incoming links, inlinks, inward links, linkspam, linkspaming, linkstuffing, trackbacks, search bots, search engine bombing, link stuffing, paying money, etc.) I was reading about some i-d-ten-t character the other day that had found a new web gimmick that cheated the system. And he was making millions. Well, not really, thousands of dollars a day. His approach? Tick off every customer. Seriously. Make everyone mad. Then they would write horrible things about him on the web. Everywhere. And then link to his site about how bad he was. All those links pointing to his site gave him more "relevancy". Whatever that means. And it worked.

For a while.

Pretty simple to fix really. Bing and the other guys, well, let's just say they have their own ways of Rick-Rolling him. Oh sure, he will try again. He will come up with some other stupid SEO search, Tron legacy the movie, cheat the SEO, magic trick, but you know what? It won't work. If he spent half the time and effort he has already spent on cheating the system, and spent that time on actually creating value, you know what he would still have?

A business.

It reminds me of something that happened to the Misses today. Hm. I just realized that if I write this part, it will ruin Christmas. Okay, so this is what we are going to do. Inoun, you are going to change the names to protect the innocent. So here goes...

The Misses is driving all over town trying to find a catalyst(more junk) for the random molecules(children) that live in our beaker(house). Well she can't find it anywhere. "Oh look, over their(yes, I know)!". "Game Stop(yeah, by the way, it was actually Game Stop). They probably have it! Hey! Look! Over yonder! They do, they do! Right there in the window and everything!" So she screeches in their, looks around, can't find it, and asks the Game Stop clerk if they have any. And I am exaggerating here a little, (Who? Me?, Inoun?), after he puts the "texting device" down, takes his elbow out of his ear, the ear ring out of his lip, and says, "Nope, we just have them empty boxes up their in that their widow(yes I know) for advirtryzing." And then he walked off. 

Seriously (I mean cereally)~! You are really tryzing my patience. Are you kidding me? Come on.  (Warning, this is blatent advertising for Target....)  Out of all of the so called vendors that my wife went 2, Target was the only, "won my business", company that didn't have gimmicks, fallacious advertising, or psycho illiterate, ijjits. And because of it, Target will be around for a very long time. Ever hear of a "blue light special?" Hm. As a friend of mine would say, "How's that workin out for ya?" "Blue light special." Really? Stupid eventually just catches up to everyone and every business. I kinda wish that light at the end of the train tunnel was moving a little closer and faster towards Walmart. If you know what I mean. BID.

This so called child(clerk) didn't even have the decency to ask my dear, kind, sweet, and "fur-evr" best-es Misses if she wanted a rain check. For those of you, in the Inoun audience, too young to understand what that means, go look it up. Just like being able to count back money at a cash register, it is one of those things, that well, everyone should just, "no".

"Inoun, you sound like an old fart."

My point, (yes the one on my head) is that if you want great SEO, don't play games on "the Net". Here are my number one (and two and three,....) rules. Read them. Live them. Love them. Follow them:

  1. Always read the Inoun blog. If you pay really close attention, you will learn all kinds of "useful" and honest tricks. Not really. Just honest cool ways to learn and live by search. In other words, you will learn how search works. How people think, and well, you might even get a laugh out of it. Something that really sm-art people know something about.
  2. Build value. Do this second. Create value. If you don't have what people are going to want, and you advertise what you don't have and can't give them, you're telling them to go somewhere where they are not going to be getting what they could have gotten from you. (take that you Engelisch maggor).
  3. Learn to right. I mean it(peanut). Write about what you do. Write about what you've created. Write about your passion. Write about your vision. And "wuat evr" you do, do not "farm" this out to any one. Look at me? Does this look like I out sourced it? Or as Yoda once put it, "do I look like a noun to you?"
  4. Have fun.

And you can't have fun you no if you are always looking behind you (oh they are just flowing today u egg less majors...). Serrially. Life is too short. If you are worried about your next site being blacklisted, you are doing it wrong. And with that, I am going to leave you with another story. Just to prove my point of how to not make your life turn out good.

When I was a wee lad, a long time ago in a webverse far, far away, I worked at really big (well back then anyway) department store. Their motto, which they threw out the window not too long after I started working their (yes, I know), was to basically, take care of their customers. And it worked. Now, I am not sure if this motto or goal changed because I started working there, or if this is just one of those freak kind of coincidences. BID.

My point is, that I learn ed how to take care of customers. Even the stupid ones. And I learned about SEO. And most of all, I learned about language and the "affect" it has on people. But that is a story for another day.

Anyway. One day I am doing the most important job in the universe. Stocking and facing shelves. (If you don't know what "facing" means, you really do need to get a "real" job. A little hint. It doesn't have anything to do with Facebook.) So here goes...

Twas the Night Before Jail, by Inoun

When all of a sudden, "what do I hear",

a gaggle of sales people screaming afar and anear.

They were frantically prancing from their to around, with no paper, pen or pencil to be found.

You C, a stereo had vanished and gone missing, and twas just leaving the dar,

when, the always "with child" a saleslady, had spotted oh so vile o villinous creatcher's a driving a driving off far.

So with a few turns, tumbles, more turns and with creative writing with fear,

the store manager's yelling and loud voices and much craziness I hear,

When just moments later, the shop manager to the rescue does clear,

With full work order in hand, quite happy their home addresses do just right now appear.

You see. The scoundrels had had work done on their vehicular four wheeled idiot's car.

A Ford Pinto, not yet exploded, was moving away in the far not distance not far.

The officer was quite giddy and happy with glee, when it was found out twas a stereo they had and twas not so "for free"

The vagabonds had not sense enough to spend cents, and had left their address home address for now to return

did the officer to see if he could find them to spurn.

The sales folks and officer did oh so giggle and laugh for a bit,

when they all found out that the stereo in that car, oh would not, oh should not, oh could not it fit.

So the law went to visit, oh so brain dead, oh partners in crime

And came to the driveway to wonder and listen, a little, a lot, and a little some time.

With windows so foggy, in the driveway they sat, and parked, their idiot Ford Pinto car it did not not it sit

When all of a sudden, and to their greatest surprise, the nightstick their window with a quick "smack" it did hit,

Oh their look, it was priceless, and plain for all, everywhere and Inoun to see,

when with a loud and o stern voice the officer, he said, "It aint no, it aint no, it just aint going to so fit."

by Inoun

You just can't fix stupid.


  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2010
    Werrwe interwesting... The spearmint worked. That's all I have to say. Well, not really. About the talking