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Google and other unmentionables...

Just because you can't do something doesn't mean that you should. For some reason this comes up all of the time when raising teanagers. I am not sure why. The same can be said for SEO and search engines like Google or Bing. The art of SEOing is a sub-title one (yes I know). And it all comes back to the crazies you first met in High School. You know the ones. The ones who thought that everything was a competition? And then they stepped all over everyone else to "win" when in the end there was actually no such thing as winning. I mean really. How do you "win" at English? BID.

Take Google. Yes. Then take Shakespeares. Yes absolutely please do. They have become completely irrelevant. The Shakespeares, silly. Not Google. What did you think I was saying?

And to prove my point, I will give you a very simple example. One even you crazed SEO competitive freaks out there will love. If I said something like, "Google shan't find anything", you would first shake your head, because you have forgotten what is really important, and then you might ask yourself, "self, what is he trying to say?" And if you did, then you would probably go back to playing your video game, link stuffing, or checking your email.

But if you didn't, and you actually asked yourself, what does he mean by all of this? Then you might actually learn something new today. So here goes. A rare moment of learning brought to you by none other than Inoun himself.

The word shan't is an old English word that means shall not. Not unlike, "can not" means can't or "are not" means ain't or "may not" means, main't. Not really, but my son asked me this question the other day and I had to tell him what maint mint ment. Really he did, I am not making this up. He said to me, "Dad if 'can not' means can't, then what does 'may not' mean?" So I did the only thing a search engine father could do and said, "main't". Bid.

So if I said to you, my only reader, that, now quoting from old english scripture, or as some say, shake a spear at it, I might say something like, "Google shan't find anything!" But that would probably be right after I said some other rubbish like, Shakespeare really was a pretty funny guy. BID.

If you were to click on the link above, you would quickly see how irrelevant these things have become. I mean really, how hard would it be for Google, or shake a spear, to actually use the English language the way it is supposed to be written?

And if your Google works like mine did, well you know, I have to say this because, not all Goggles are created equal. You would quickly see that not only did Google not figure out what I meant, but you will also see that they also ask me, "Did you mean, 'Google can't find anything?'" Which is not what I was asking for at all. I wasn't even asking anything, I was saying actually. Or as the kids would say, "Just say'in Dad."

Amazing how SEO and search work.

And low, what ho, behold, my dream come true. Google shan't find anything. (well, except for the things that are really important)
