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fat burning furnace scam farce macs scam, words that sound funny scam google elgoog, bing gnib, oracle elcaro, fat burning furnace scam sham flame farce ecanruf gninrub taf, and other words that sound not so funny together

[ed. Is it possible to write an article about an SEO scam, farce, and "fix" companies who have tried to rip you off by owning every search result? Yes! Within minutes, Inoun was able to get to the top of the search results by writing an article of actual content and value.

and of course a funny one:]

Silly funny words slid together in sloppy sounding slippery ways. There is a certain poetry that comes from having children. I believe that it is also the primary reason and cause for Inounism. Kinda similar to autism or Alzheimer’s, but not so much so and soon to be, because of a recent study and “YOU COME HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!”, right now infamously famous by dinner tomorrow, writing style that frequently, but rarely, occurs with a chance of rain, sometimes meatballs, often even hair, but usually, even will often even make a half pint or full cup of sense.

Silly words…. Tricks are for kids. Now back to pre-pubescence…. Pubescence is an awkwardly interesting thing. It is a time when parents realize that they are no longer in control of the random molecules that have been populating the establishment that heretofore was and formerly labeled with a "ship to" address that the stork, by accident, just happened to find with your name on it. The truth, and I am revealing it, right now to you, and only you, my dear rabid, voracious, voluptuous reader, is that they/we…. were never really in control.

It happens. It always happens. To every parent. Somewhere, just then, in-between, "Hey, MOM! He called me a bladder!" and "MOVE YOUR BUTT OVER, you ten points for Gryffindor, HEMORRHOID!"

But I digress(BID) Back to the words. That’s what’s important here. Take that word; hemorrhoid. Or, how about the word bladder? For some reason, my boys think that those are two of the funniest words in the world that they have ever herd or ever will weed. I don't know why. I don't know why they swallowed that fly. I guess they'll die.

But wait there's More! To top it all off, dear wabid weeder, the other day, one of them (my boys that is; not the hemorrhoid, the bladder or the fly), asked me a very profound question:

"Dad, what's a hemorrhoid?"

I couldn't believe it. Are you cereal? So as the case may be. I being an Inoun, gave them a complete, and in oh so very much, quite in detail, description, that would even stun or blush as the case may be, you my dear rabid reader.

Which I am going to give here.

Just kidding.

So there you have it. Out of the mouth of babe’s. Well in this particular particle’s case, a high school graduate. But such is the way of words. Some words are just funny. Whether we understand them or not. I don't know why. And apparently, my kids don't either.

So back to another funny phrase. We (the Inoun rabid readers club) have been talking about(well, writing actually) a psycho company created "just because" they “thought” they could make/steal money, by a guy, supposedly by the name of Rob Poulus, scam artist, with the only intent of creating, a probably fictional product, wherewith and with the soul porpoise of owning ALL of the SEO, search and word space, around it. In other words, dear reader, they came up with a far fetched farce of a phrase scam by creating a scam phrase “fat burning furnace” and hoped beyond hope to own every article and result you can find using any search engine out there. In other words, and in very simple terms.

They were trying to create “A Worldwide Word Monopoly”. Which just never ends well for anyone. Especially not the words.

So the jury is still out on whether it is a scam or a rip off. A sham probably. A, farce most assuredly. But some day in the future, a judge will probably decide their fate. But for now, with their rip you off Fat Burning Furnace Scam, the rest of us will just have to put up with their toidi ylsuodneputs diputs ytidiputs (idiot stupendously stupid stupidity, for those of you who haven’t a Ben to be paying for attention).

Okay. That wasn't so funny. And neither is their stupid scam approach to SEO. Right now, right here, I, Inoun the not so great, am proclaiming that their scam of an approach to own the shim sham scam Fat Burning Furnace scam phrase WILL NOT WORK. And that's because it is a scam. Seriously. It will catch up to them. When the search engine minions at elgoog or the brilliant folks at Bing figure it out, and long before any judge or jury will, they will be shut down. Plane and simple. Because when you mess with words, they have a tendency to fight back. And when I hear of a scam like the fat burning furnace scam ripoff, all that comes to mind and all I can think of is one little two word phrase:

Bladder Hemorrhoid