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Digital Citizenship Resource Center

Community Enthusiasts across India are hosting Community Day 2015 on September 19th and have dedicated this day to all of you, the young citizens of India.

We believe countries future depends on you and education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. On this day, we want to focus on some of the key challenges in the country and how to overcome those challenges.

To start with, we wanted to re-visit what Dr. Nelson Mandela had said:


But what restricts you to go for education? Don’t you like education or worried about expenses behind education?

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After all, believe it or not…


If you are worried only about funding for education, don’t worry. You have enormous options available. You are just unaware.

Distance (Correspondence) Learning – These are the most cost effective learning options available to millions of Indians. Most of these universities offer courses pretty much in all streams and some of them even offer remote classes or online classes. Please visit for more information on all distance education provider universities in India and courses offered by them.

Funding Limitation – In case you are concerned about funding requirement for higher education, don’t worry! You have many options to get funding support.

Education Loan – Almost all nationalized banks in India offer education loans with easy documentation and lower rates with flexible payment options. You can get loan for 4 to 20 lacs depending on your education type etc. You should visit your nearest bank for more details.

Subsidized Interest Rate Education Loan – If your family income is less than 5 lacs, you can get subsidized education loan as per govt. guidelines .  

With above, your education is now secure. We are hoping that you will certainly go for higher education. We don’t want to tell you the stream as that’s your call but whichever stream you pick, another most important area which you have to consider is, how you make yourself job ready.

Today, irrespective of your role & responsibility, you need to know computers. Be it a junior or supervisor position, irrespective of the industry, computer is must. So the be job ready, you have to learn computers. Now, question is what in computers?

Here is a brief list of things which you have to learn. But let’s see how? You might have received the below Career Tracker tool to track your progress towards becoming job ready:


Let’s help you to track your progress around these parameters:

Basic Computing – This section covers basics of computing including differences between Hardware and Software, various Hardware devices, Computing concepts etc. Below are few resources which you can use to start with understanding computers.

Typing – You also have to be “not an expert” but good in typing. You really can’t use only one finger to type Winking smile So be better in typing through

MS Office – Microsoft Office is one of most commonly used productivity software available for almost all computing platforms. There are decent number of resources to help you learn Microsoft Office tools including Microsoft Word , Microsoft PowerPointand Microsoft Excel . You can learn other MS Office tools as well.

Internet Browsing – Today, many job options are only available through Internet and that makes Internet awareness more critical area to be successful. Learn to be an “OK” to “Moderate” Internet user.

Emailing – Every individual must have a digital presence through emails in today’s world. Emails are much faster and primary way of communication. Learn email basics and setup your own email address as soon as possible.

Social Media – Another critical component to be successful in today’s world is Social Media . This allows you to connect, collaborate and be successful. Make sure to exploit the social media positively and get maximum out of it.

But don’t worry….we are not asking you to learn all these all alone and then become a genius. There are many organizations who offer support and help to bring you up to the speed with computer learning. Make sure to leverage them as and when possible. They are cost effective and worthy to be job ready.

We wish you all the best for your career. Please feel free to use the comment section below to post any questions which you may have.