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Have you ever heard the saying . . . . .

Have you ever heard the saying "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar" ?  I believe this is especially true in a sales cycle.  While competitors may be inaccurately representing Microsoft Dynamics GP in the sales cycle, it gives you an excellent opportunity to simply show the prospect how wrong the competition is, thus reducing the competitors credibility.  I heard from many customers at Convergence this year, that the number one reason they purchased Microsoft Dynamics GP is they felt their Microsoft partner was a TRUSTED advisor to their organization. 

Reminder: The current Microsoft Dynamics GP Statement of Direction accurately talks about our committment to the product.  Located here.  In the Statement of Direction  we talk about our current release + 1 in detail, while painting a picture of what the future beyond holds.  When asked "Is GP 15 the last release because that's the last release showing on the roadmap slide?", I respond with this, "When I started at Great Plains Software in 1987, Dynamics GP 2010 was NOT on the roadmap slide"  :)

Thanks to everyone for an amazing Convergence.  I saw so many incredible evangelism moments.  With your help #MSDYNGP lead the way with the highest number of tweets of ANY of our Dynamics products during Convergence.  INCREDIBLE!

Oh, and by the way . . . Guess who leads the United States in the production of honey with 32.7M pounds last year?   Why North Dakota of course!  ;)
