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CDO - FAQ # 1

1) What is a CDO?

Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) was originally called "OLE Messaging" and later "Active Messaging". CDO is a COM wrapper of the MAPI library and can be called from any development language that supports automation. For example, Simple MAPI, CDO is primarily designed for client activities. CDO implements most but not all MAPI functionality, although far more than Simple MAPI.

Some activities that can be accomplished using CDO:

Log onto the messaging system with specific profiles or with anonymous authentication.
Compose messages, address and resolve recipients, send, receive, and read messages, add attachments, automate replies.
Manage calendars; create meetings and appointments.
Manage folders and messages within the information store.
Manage Addresses, especially within the Personal Address Book (PAB).

2) What're the types of CDO?

There are two distinct "flavors" of CDO:

  • MAPI based CDO.DLL
  • SMTP based CDONTS.dll. The CDONTS library allows rendering of selected information into HTML format.
