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Receivables Management Transction Unapply Tool in the Professional Services Tools Library is now available!

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, we have a solution for you.  You can now use the Receivables Management Transaction Unapply tool from the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) for free. 

1. Do you ever have a cash receipt in Receivables Management (RM) history and you find out it is a Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) check that needs to be voided?

2. Do you ever have a cash receipt in history with an apply record appearing when you drill back on it (Inquiry > Sales > Transaction by Customer.  Highlight the payment in history and drill back on Amount Remaining) but the invoice it is applied to is in open and does not have an apply record (Inquiry > Sales > Transaction by Customer.  Highlight the invoice in open and drill back on Amount Remaining)? 

3. Do you ever have a cash receipt in RM history that is incorrectly applied?


Note: This tool is helpful in other situations as well.

For number 1 above, this tool will let you move the NSF check in History back to Open where you can then NSF the check in the Receivables Posted Transaction Maintenance window (Transactions > Sales > Posted Transactions).

For number 2 above, this tool will allow you to unapply the payment and move it back to open so you can then re-apply it to the invoice.  Note: If the Invoice in open has an amount remaining of zero but does not have an apply record when drilling back on Amount Remaining, you can run a reconcile (Microsoft Dynamics PG > Tools > Utilities > Sales > Reconcile > Outstanding Document Amounts) on the specific customer after making a complete restorable backup and having everyone out of the system.  

For number 3 above, this tool will allow you to unapply the payment and move it back to open you can then re-apply it correctly.

Professional Services Tools Library:

Please see the following links for more information on how to get the free version of PSTL.

Free Tools for Professional Services Tools Library in Microsoft Dyanmics GP Blog link:

Direct Link to PSTL on PartnerSource: 

Link on CustomerSource:

Note: The Professional Services Tools Library is now available via your Microsoft Dynamics Partner.

If you have any questions on how to use the Receivables Management Transaction Unapply Tool, please look at the ProfServicesToolsLibrary.pdf file, Chapter 4: Using Sales Tools, Using Receivables Management Transaction Unapply. 

• The default location for this file for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Documentation.
• The default location for this file for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\Documentation.

Note: As stated in the ProfServicesToolsLibrary.pdf file:

• If a discount and/or write-offs exist, a General Ledger journal transaction will be created using the original distributions of the document and the transaction will be in a batch in the General Ledger. An edit list can be printed prior to posting into the General Ledger. 
• The Receivables Management Transaction Unapply tool does not allow users to unapply Multi-currency documents that have discounts and/or write-offs associated with them.

Or, if you would like to talk to a support engineer about the tool, you can create a support request.  To create a support request follow one of the steps below.

1. Go to CustomerSource > Support > Assisted Support > New Support Requests, or, you can use this link:
2. Call 1-888-477-7877 to create a new support request.

