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Azure Active Directory Developer Support for MS Graph and AAD Graph

How to create a Developer Support Incident for an Azure Active Directory Graph API issue

The primary purpose of this post is to provide step by step instructions on how to create a support...

Date: 08/28/2015

Issues while setting a "ManageBy" properties of a group object in Active Directory

Irfan Ahmed, Senior Support Escalation Engineer, brings this amazing blog to us. Read on....

Date: 05/18/2015

AAD Graph API Version 1.5 is now available

A new version of the Graph API has been released and is now available.  The MSDN documentation...

Date: 10/30/2014

Display “Private Properties” of a cluster resource using PowerShell and C#

As with all other product management technologies, the Failover Cluster management API is moving to...

Date: 09/16/2014

Converting IADsLargeInteger objects to DateTime objects in Powershell

There are several existing blog posts that discuss various methods for doing just this task. ...

Date: 09/10/2014

What are the default permissions for a file share created using ADSI and IADsFileShare

If you are using ADSI to create file share, you may have noticed that when you view these...

Date: 08/05/2014

What is the deal with KB 2260240 and its cousin KB 2742596–MS13-004?

The purpose of this particular blog post is to try and clear up some of the confusion swirling...

Date: 04/03/2014

Did you get a “License assignment cannot be done for user with invalid usage location.” error when applying a license via Graph API?

One of the new features that was added on the 2013-11-08 release of Graph API is support for user...

Date: 01/14/2014

How to create a service principal using the MSOL CMDLETS for use with the WAAD Graph API

This blog posts assumes that you are familiar with the Microsoft Online ( MSOL ) PowerShell cmdlets...

Date: 11/26/2013

Using Fiddler to retrieve all of the users from a WAAD instance

The first step before you can submit any Graph request is to obtain an authorization token using the...

Date: 09/13/2013

Using Fiddler to acquire a JWT ( JSON Web Token ) for use with the Graph API

One of the things that our developer support team has been trying to figure out over the past few...

Date: 08/12/2013

Setting Active Directory Object permissions using powershell and System.DirectoryServices

There are times when you have the permission to set discretionary access control (DACL) entries,...

Date: 07/09/2013

Problem: WMI StdRegProv Class can return junk characters when using the GetStringValue on windows 2003/XP/Vista and Windows 2008

Under a specific set of conditions, the StdRegProv GetStringValue method will return a string of...

Date: 08/14/2012

How to specify TimeOut for ldap bind in .Net

A few days ago, I was working with a .Net developer who was building a Directory Server (Active...

Date: 06/06/2012

ChangePassword() and Password Complexity Violation Error Codes

This blog post attempts to describe why ChangePassword method of ADSI/System.DirectoryServices...

Date: 06/06/2012

Using Powershell cmdLet “Compare-Object” to compare WMI objects

Recently I came across a scenario where one of the developers wanted to automate to produce a list...

Date: 06/06/2012

How to get the Terminal Service Account settings and Client Settings from the Terminal Server

You can use Win32_TSAccount And Win32_TSClientSetting WMI class to get the information but these...

Date: 04/12/2012

NetShareGetInfo in C# to read Share Permissions of a File System Object

NetShareGetInfo is a C++ API to read the information of a shared resource (File System Object...

Date: 03/29/2012

Reading all WINS IP addresses on a computer using Windows Scripting Host ( VBScript )

I recently worked with a developer who was working on a VBScript to enumerate all Windows Internet...

Date: 03/07/2012

WScript.Quit( Value ) does not always match the error code environment variable %errorlevel% in the command processor ( batch file processing ) environment.

In the windows scripting host environment, the WScript.Quit method can be used to return an exit...

Date: 01/16/2012

Using PowerShell History ( Part 2 )

In my last blog, I talked about how you can increase the history buffer limit. This is very helpful...

Date: 01/09/2012

Using PowerShell History ( Part 1 )

I like trying to figure out how things work and most of the time, it is via trial and error. Then I...

Date: 01/05/2012

Searching the Active Directory using PowerShell

In my last blog, I provided a sample PowerShell script that shows how to use the...

Date: 01/05/2012

Using a CSV file to create users by accessing the System.DirectoryServices namespace from a powershell script

There are several ways to programmatically create users in the Active Directory. The easiest way...

Date: 01/05/2012

Using the global error collection stored in the $Error variable to retrieve detailed error information in a powershell script

I was recently working with a developer who wanted to know if there is a way to get the error when...

Date: 01/05/2012

Using a customer application event log to debug a Powershell Script

Often, when I am debugging a developer’s PowerShell script, the only symptom I get is that the...

Date: 01/05/2012

Using PowerShell to access the Registry

Anyone who has ever worked with the registry is very familiar with RegEdit. It’s been around since...

Date: 12/21/2011

Automating the silent deployment of RemoteApp and Desktop Connection.

I have a customer that was trying to automate the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection but couldn't find...

Date: 11/30/2011

Taking advantage of the PowerShell ISE

When Windows 7 was the first version of Windows that released which included the Windows PowerShell...

Date: 11/30/2011

Title: COMException error 0x5011 (S_ADS_ERRORSOCCURRED) while enumerating the PrincipalSearchResult collection returned from System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagetment UserPrincipal:: GetGroups method

The COMException error 0x5011 (S_ADS_ERRORSOCCURRED) can be thrown when you are enumerating the...

Date: 12/14/2010

When we create a SQL Linked Server to AD, there are certain limitations. For example, we cannot...

Date: 10/12/2010

Custom Disk Resource displayed with ‘?’ icon in Fail Over Cluster Manager on Windows 2008 R2 Servers

 You might see your custom storage class resource appears with a ‘?’ icon on Windows 2008 R2...

Date: 06/25/2010

SDDL form of the SID doesn’t work in Active Directory filter on Windows 2000.

Recently, I was working with a customer who was trying to get the user’s group membership...

Date: 05/13/2010

Create Proxy user in ADAM/AD LDS programmatically

A proxy object is an object in ADAM that represents a security principal in Active Directory. Each...

Date: 05/04/2010

Retrieving product installation information using WMI via Powershell on a remote machine

The WMI class Win32_product can be used to obtain a list of all the products installed on a remote...

Date: 04/09/2010

Mapping VolumeID to Disk partition Using the DeviceIOControl API

To map a volume with drive letter to disk partition, one may use some combination of WMI classes...

Date: 03/19/2010

How does variable typing affect simple floating point arithmatic operations in Powershell, i.e. what is 1.1 – 1.04 ?

PowerShell is a great scripting language. You can get complex results by just a one liner, which...

Date: 12/17/2009

ADAM running on Windows 2003 Gives exception 0x8007200a while updating null attributes

Recently, I was working on a scenario where I was trying to update the attributes of ADAM objects....

Date: 12/04/2009

Accessing a 64 bit WMI provider from a 32 bit application running on a 64 bit client

Ordinarily, if you create a 64 bit WMI provider to run on a server, you will create a corresponding...

Date: 09/18/2009

How to retrieve currently applied GPOs on your local machine using WMI via Windows Scripting Host ( WSH )

WMI provides two very useful Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) classes that can be used together to...

Date: 09/18/2009

An "Access Denied" exception is generated migrating users from Windows 2000 or 2003 domain to a Windows 2008 domain using DsAddSidHistory API and pass "SrcDomainController" & "SrcDomainCreds" as NULL

An "Access Denied" exception is generated migrating users from Windows 2000 or 2003 domain to a...

Date: 09/01/2009

Getting an exception “The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist”, when you try to search a user in an AD container using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal::FindByIdentity

This happens because If there is no container specified, the principal context class will create a...

Date: 08/28/2009

Restoring object from the Active Directory Recycle Bin using AD Powershell

As anyone who has managed the Active Directory knows, if you delete an Active Directory object,...

Date: 08/26/2009

Working with Group Policy Objects Programmatically – Locating a GPO using the GPMC ( Group Policy Management Console ) object model in C++

In my previous post we discussed how to modify a registry based GPO programmatically. In this post...

Date: 08/04/2009

Working with Group Policy Objects Programmatically - simple C++ example illustrating how to modify a registry based policy

In my last bog post:...

Date: 07/23/2009

Working with Group Policy Objects Programmatically - Determining registry values to Enable/Disable/Set a specific policy

Greetings! Over the past few months our team has seen a number of customer requesting information on...

Date: 07/23/2009

Converting Base64 encoded data from an LDIFDE dump of an object to its binary equivelent.

Something interesting that I discovered working with an LDIFDE dump. I need to verify that a base64...

Date: 06/08/2009

Cross-Forest - IADsGroup::Add receiving error 80072030 "There is no such object on the server"

Problem: When running a script to add a user from forest Fabrikam, to a domain local group in forest...

Date: 05/27/2009

32 bit Exe of PropSheetHost SDK Sample Fails on x64 Vista with a missing MUI resource error

If you build a 32 bit executable version of the PropSheetHost SDK sample and then try to execute it...

Date: 03/27/2009

Creating a Password Settings object using Powershell 1.0

Password Settings objects were introduced in Windows 2008 AD to allow administrators more control...

Date: 03/03/2009
