MDX Cell Properties - FORMATTED_VALUE Property
Applies to:
SQL Server Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services
Fabric/Power BI Premium
The FORMATTED_VALUE property is built on the interactions of the VALUE, FORMAT_STRING and LANGUAGE properties of the cell. This topic explains how these properties interact to build the FORMATTED_VALUE property.
The following table explains what these properties are, to help prepare us to use them in combination.
The unformatted value of the cell.
The formatting template to be applied to the value of the cell to generate FORMATTED_VALUE property
The locale specification to be applied alongside FORMAT_STRING to generate a localized version of FORMATTED_VALUE
The FORMATTED_VALUE property is constructed by using the value from the VALUE property and applying the format template specified in the FORMAT_STRING property to that value. In addition, whenever the formatting value is a named formatting literal the LANGUAGE property specification modifies the output of FORMAT_STRING to follow the language usage for the named formatting. Named formatting literals are all defined in a way that can be localized. For example, "General Date"
is a specification that can be localized, as opposed to the following template "YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss",
which states that the date is to be presented as defined by the template regardless of the language specification.
If there is a conflict between the FORMAT_STRING template and the LANGUAGE specification, the FORMAT_STRING template overrides the LANGUAGE specification. For example, if FORMAT_STRING="$ #0" and LANGUAGE=1034 (Spain), and VALUE=123.456 then FORMATTED_VALUE="$ 123" instead of FORMATTED_VALUE="€ 123", the expected format is in Euros, because the value of the format template overrides the language specified.
The following examples show the output obtained when LANGUAGE is used in conjunction with FORMAT_STRING.
The first example explains formatting numerical values; the second example explains formatting date and time values.
For each example the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) code is given.
member measures.A as 5040, FORMAT_STRING="Currency"
member measures.B as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034
member measures.C as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="$#,##0.00"
member measures.D as measures.A, FORMAT_STRING="Scientific"
member measures.E as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="Scientific"
member measures.F as 0.5040, FORMAT_STRING="Percent"
member measures.G as measures.F, LANGUAGE=1034
member measures.H as 0, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="Yes/No"
member measures.I as 59, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="Yes/No"
member measures.J as 0, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="ON/OFF"
member measures.K as -312, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="ON/OFF"
Select {measures.A, measures.B, measures.C, measures.D, measures.E, measures.F, measures.G, measures.H, measures.I, measures.J, measures.K} on 0
from [Adventure Works]
The results, transposed, when the above MDX query was run using SQL Server Management Studio over a server and client with locale 1033 are as follows:
Member | FORMATTED_VALUE | Explanation |
A | $5,040.00 | FORMAT_STRING is set to Currency and LANGUAGE is 1033 , inherited from system locale value |
B | €5.040,00 | FORMAT_STRING is set to Currency (inherited from A) and LANGUAGE is explicitly set to 1034 (Spain) hence the Euro sign, the different decimal separator and the different thousand separator. |
C | $5.040,00 | FORMAT_STRING is set to $#,##0.00 an override to Currency, from A, and LANGUAGE is explicitly set to 1034 (Spain). Because the FORMAT_STRING property explicitly set the currency symbol to $, the FORMATTED_VALUE is presented with the $ sign. However, because . (dot) and , (comma) are placeholders for decimal separator and thousand separator respectively, the language specification affects them generating an output that is localized for decimal and thousand separators. |
D | 5.04E+03 | FORMAT_STRING is set to Scientific and LANGUAGE is set to 1033 , inherited from system locale value, hence . (dot) is the decimal separator. |
E | 5,04E+03 | FORMAT_STRING is set to Scientific and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034, hence , (comma) is the decimal separator. |
F | 50.40% | FORMAT_STRING is set to Percent and LANGUAGE is set to 1033 , inherited from system locale value, hence . (dot) is the decimal separator.Note that VALUE was changed from 5040 to 0.5040 |
G | 50,40% | FORMAT_STRING is set to Percent , inherited from F, and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 hence , (comma) is the decimal separator.Note that VALUE was inherited from F value. |
H | No | FORMAT_STRING is set to YES/NO , VALUE is set to 0 and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 ; because there is no difference between English NO and Spanish NO the user sees no difference in the FORMATTED_VALUE. |
I | SI | FORMAT_STRING is set to YES/NO , VALUE is set to 59 and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 ; as defined for YES/NO formatting, any value different from zero (0) is a YES and because language is set to Spanish then the FORMATTED_VALUE is SI. |
J | Desactivado | FORMAT_STRING is set to ON/OFF , VALUE is set to 0 and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 ; as defined for ON/OFF formatting, any value equal to zero (0) is an OFF and because language is set to Spanish then the FORMATTED_VALUE is Desactivado. |
K | Activado | FORMAT_STRING is set to ON/OFF , VALUE is set to -312 and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 ; as defined for ON/OFF formatting, any value different from zero (0) is an ON and because language is set to Spanish then the FORMATTED_VALUE is Activado. |
member measures.A as 'CDate("1959-03-12 06:30")'
member measures.B as measures.A, FORMAT_STRING="Long Date"
member measures.C as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="General Date"
member measures.D as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034, FORMAT_STRING="Long Date"
member measures.E as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1041 , FORMAT_STRING="General Date"
member measures.F as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1041 , FORMAT_STRING="Long Date"
member measures.G as measures.A, FORMAT_STRING="Long Time"
member measures.H as measures.A, FORMAT_STRING="Short Time"
member measures.I as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="Long Time"
member measures.J as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1034 , FORMAT_STRING="Short Time"
member measures.K as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1041 , FORMAT_STRING="Long Time"
member measures.L as measures.A, LANGUAGE=1041 , FORMAT_STRING="Short Time"
Select {measures.A, measures.B, measures.C, measures.D, measures.E, measures.F
, measures.G, measures.H, measures.I, measures.J, measures.K, measures.L} on 0
from [Adventure Works]
The results, transposed, when the above MDX query was run using SQL Server Management Studio over a server and client with locale 1033 are as follows:
Member | FORMATTED_VALUE | Explanation |
A | 3/12/1959 6:30:00 AM | FORMAT_STRING is set implicitly to General Date by the CDate() expression and LANGUAGE is 1033 (English), inherited from system locale value |
B | Thursday, March 12, 1959 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Date and LANGUAGE is 1033 (English), inherited from system locale value |
C | 12/03/1959 6:30:00 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to General Date and LANGUAGE is explicitly 1034 (Spanish).Note that month and day are switched when compared to U.S. formatting style |
D | jueves, 12 de marzo de 1959 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Date and LANGUAGE is explicitly 1034 (Spanish).Note that month and day of the week are worded in Spanish |
E | 1959/03/12 6:30:00 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to General Date and LANGUAGE is explicitly 1041 (Japanese).Note that the date is now formatted Year/Month/Day Hour:Minutes:Seconds |
F | 1959年3月12日 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Date and LANGUAGE is explicitly 1041 (Japanese). |
G | 6:30:00 AM | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Time and LANGUAGE is 1033 (English), inherited from system locale value. |
H | 06:30 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Short Time and LANGUAGE is 1033 (English), inherited from system locale value. |
I | 6:30:00 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Time and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 (Spanish). |
J | 06:30 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Short Time and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1034 (Spanish). |
K | 6:30:00 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Long Time and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1041 (Japanese). |
L | 06:30 | FORMAT_STRING is set explicitly to Short Time and LANGUAGE is set explicitly to 1041 (Japanese). |
See Also
Using Cell Properties (MDX)
Creating and Using Property Values (MDX)
MDX Query Fundamentals (Analysis Services)