sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pool_volumes (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Returns information about the current resource pool IO statistics for each disk volume. This information is also available at the resource pool level in sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools (Transact-SQL).

Column name Data type Description
pool_id int The ID of the resource pool. Not nullable.
volume_name sysname The name of the disk volume. Not nullable.
read_io_queued_total int The total read IOs enqueued since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
read_io_issued_total int The total read IOs issued since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
read_ios_completed_total int The total read IOs completed since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
read_ios_throttled_total int The total read IOs throttled since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
read_bytes_total bigint The total number of bytes read since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
read_io_stall_total_ms bigint Total time (in milliseconds) between read IO arrival and completion. Not nullable.
read_io_stall_queued_ms bigint Total time (in milliseconds) between read IO arrival and issue. This is the delay introduced by the IO resource governance. Not nullable.
write_io_queued_total int The total write IOs enqueued since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
write_io_issued_total int The total write IOs issued since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
write_io_completed_total int The total write IOs completed since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
write_io_throttled_total int The total write IOs throttled since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
write_bytes_total bigint The total number of bytes written since resource governor statistics were reset. Not nullable.
write_io_stall_total_ms bigint Total time (in milliseconds) between write IO issue and completion. Not nullable.
write_io_stall_queued_ms bigint Total time (in milliseconds) between write IO arrival and issue. This is the delay introduced by the IO resource governance. Not nullable.
io_issue_violations_total int Total IO issue violations. That is, the number of times when the rate of IO issue was lower than the reserved rate. Not nullable.
io_issue_delay_total_ms bigint Total time (in milliseconds) between the scheduled issue and actual issue of IO. Not nullable.


Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission.

Permissions for SQL Server 2022 and later

Requires VIEW SERVER PERFORMANCE STATE permission on the server.