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Multi-Touch Finger Tracking in Xamarin.iOS

This document demonstrates how to track touch events from multiple fingers

There are times when a multi-touch application needs to track individual fingers as they move simultaneously on the screen. One typical application is a finger-paint program. You want the user to be able to draw with a single finger, but also to draw with multiple fingers at once. As your program processes multiple touch events, it needs to distinguish between these fingers.

When a finger first touches the screen, iOS creates a UITouch object for that finger. This object remains the same as the finger moves on the screen and then lifts from the screen, at which point the object is disposed. To keep track of fingers, a program should avoid storing this UITouch object directly. Instead, it can use the Handle property of type IntPtr to uniquely identify these UITouch objects.

Almost always, a program that tracks individual fingers maintains a dictionary for touch tracking. For an iOS program, the dictionary key is the Handle value that identifies a particular finger. The dictionary value depends on the application. In the sample program, each finger stroke (from touch to release) is associated with an object that contains all the information necessary to render the line drawn with that finger. The program defines a small FingerPaintPolyline class for this purpose:

class FingerPaintPolyline
    public FingerPaintPolyline()
        Path = new CGPath();

    public CGColor Color { set; get; }

    public float StrokeWidth { set; get; }

    public CGPath Path { private set; get; }

Each polyline has a color, a stroke width, and an iOS graphics CGPath object to accumulate and render multiple points of the line as it's being drawn.

All the rest of the code shown below is contained in a UIView derivative named FingerPaintCanvasView. That class maintains a dictionary of objects of type FingerPaintPolyline during the time that they are actively being drawn by one or more fingers:

Dictionary<IntPtr, FingerPaintPolyline> inProgressPolylines = new Dictionary<IntPtr, FingerPaintPolyline>();

This dictionary allows the view to quickly obtain the FingerPaintPolyline information associated with each finger based on the Handle property of the UITouch object.

The FingerPaintCanvasView class also maintains a List object for the polylines that have been completed:

List<FingerPaintPolyline> completedPolylines = new List<FingerPaintPolyline>();

The objects in this List are in the same order that they were drawn.

FingerPaintCanvasView overrides five methods defined by View:

The various Touches overrides accumulate the points that make up the polylines.

The [Draw] override draws the completed polylines and then the in-progress polylines:

public override void Draw(CGRect rect)

    using (CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
        // Stroke settings

        // Draw the completed polylines
        foreach (FingerPaintPolyline polyline in completedPolylines)

        // Draw the in-progress polylines
        foreach (FingerPaintPolyline polyline in inProgressPolylines.Values)

Each of the Touches overrides potentially reports the actions of multiple fingers, indicated by one or more UITouch objects stored in the touches argument to the method. The TouchesBegan overrides loop through these objects. For each UITouch object, the method creates and initializes a new FingerPaintPolyline object, including storing the initial location of the finger obtained from the LocationInView method. This FingerPaintPolyline object is added to the InProgressPolylines dictionary using the Handle property of the UITouch object as a dictionary key:

public override void TouchesBegan(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
    base.TouchesBegan(touches, evt);

    foreach (UITouch touch in touches.Cast<UITouch>())
        // Create a FingerPaintPolyline, set the initial point, and store it
        FingerPaintPolyline polyline = new FingerPaintPolyline
            Color = StrokeColor,
            StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth,

        inProgressPolylines.Add(touch.Handle, polyline);

The method concludes by calling SetNeedsDisplay to generate a call to the Draw override and to update the screen.

As the finger or fingers move on the screen, the View gets multiple calls to its TouchesMoved override. This override similarly loops through the UITouch objects stored in the touches argument and adds the current location of the finger to the graphics path:

public override void TouchesMoved(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
    base.TouchesMoved(touches, evt);

    foreach (UITouch touch in touches.Cast<UITouch>())
        // Add point to path

The touches collection contains only those UITouch objects for the fingers that have moved since the last call to TouchesBegan or TouchesMoved. If you ever need UITouch objects corresponding to all the fingers currently in contact with the screen, that information is available through the AllTouches property of the UIEvent argument to the method.

The TouchesEnded override has two jobs. It must add the last point to the graphics path, and transfer the FingerPaintPolyline object from the inProgressPolylines dictionary to the completedPolylines list:

public override void TouchesEnded(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
    base.TouchesEnded(touches, evt);

    foreach (UITouch touch in touches.Cast<UITouch>())
        // Get polyline from dictionary and remove it from dictionary
        FingerPaintPolyline polyline = inProgressPolylines[touch.Handle];

        // Add final point to path and save with completed polylines

The TouchesCancelled override is handled by simply abandoning the FingerPaintPolyline object in the dictionary:

public override void TouchesCancelled(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
    base.TouchesCancelled(touches, evt);

    foreach (UITouch touch in touches.Cast<UITouch>())

Altogether, this processing allows the sample program to track individual fingers and draw the results on the screen:

Tracking individual fingers and drawing the results on the screen

You've now seen how you can track individual fingers on the screen and distinguish among them.