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Working With the Forgot Password Web Part

The Forgot Password Web Part lets shoppers reset their passwords if they have forgotten them.

Web Part

The following image shows the Forgot Password Web Part.


The Forgot Password Web Part displays a textbox for a shopper to enter his or her user name. After the system confirms that the shopper's user name exists, the system displays the shopper's security question and a textbox for the shopper to enter his or her security question answer. After the shopper has successfully answered his or her security question, the system sends an auto-generated e-mail to the address the shopper used to register. An account that has its password reset is placed in a restricted security group allowing them only to access the Change Password Web Part.

Property Sheet

The following figure shows the Forgot Password Web Part property sheet. The Forgot Password Web Part property sheet lets site designers control some aspects of the Web Part's behavior and appearance. The property sheet is displayed by selecting the edit option on the Web Page (in Edit Page mode) and then selecting Modify Shared Web Part. This displays the property sheet. Expand the sections to see the relevant properties.



The following table lists the properties and descriptions for the Forgot Password Web Part.





Email "subject" text


Sets the text displayed as the "subject" part of the email. The string will be passed to the Subject property of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.MailDefiniton class, which will be used by the "PasswordRecovery" .Net control. Please consult the .Net reference for further details.

Reset password at company.com

Email template file


Sets the file path to the body content of the email. The path will be passed to the BodyFileName property of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.MailDefiniton class, which will be used by the "PasswordRecovery" .Net control. Please consult the .Net reference for further details.


Instructional text


Sets the text block displayed above the password change area. Can be used to provide instructions to end users.

Need help with your account? contact us: 1800 999-9999

"Step one" section title text


Sets the text displayed above the first step of the password change.

Step 1: Enter e-mail address

"Step two" section title text


Sets the text displayed above the second step of the password change.

Step 2: Answer security question

"change password confirmation" section title text


Sets the text displayed above the "change password confirmation" section.

Change Password Confirmation

"User name" section title text


Sets the text above the "user name" section.

Forgot your password?

"User name" instructional text


Sets the text displayed above the user name section which can be used to provide instructions to end users.

If you have forgotten your password you can have a new password generated and e-mailed to you.

"User name unknown" message


Sets the text displayed when the user submits a user name that is not recognized.

Unable to recognize your e-mail address

"User name" label text


Sets the text displayed next to the "user name" text box.

E-mail address

"User name is required" message


Sets the text displayed when the user submits the form without supplying a value for "user name".

Please insert e-mail address

"Submit" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "submit" button..

E-mail me a new password

Security question section title text


Sets the text displayed above the security question section.

Identity Confirmation

"Security question" instructional text


Sets the text displayed in the security question section which can be used to provide instructions to end users.

Answer the following question to receive your new password

"Security question" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the security question.

Security question

"Security question's answer" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "security question's answer" text box.

Security answer

"Security question's answer is required" message


Sets the text displayed when the user submits an invalid value for the "security question's answer".

Please insert the answer

"Security question invalid answer" text


Sets the text displayed when the user submits an invalid answer for the security question.

Incorrect answer

"Success" message


Sets the text displayed once the operation has completed successfully.

A new password has been created and e-mailed to you.

"Retrieve security question" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "retrieve security question" button.

Retrieve my security question.

"Home" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "home" button.

Return to Login Page

"General failure" text


Sets the text displayed when an unspecified error has occurred.

Failed to recover your password, please try again.

See Also

Other Resources

Working With the Web Parts

Profile Administration Web Parts

Forgot Password Web Part