Install or enable the Analytics service

Azure DevOps Server 2022 | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019

For Azure DevOps Server 2020 and later versions, the Analytics service is generally available and automatically enabled for all new project collections added to your server. For project collections upgraded from a previous version, you might need to manually enable it. You enable Analytics for each project collection for which you want to generate Analytics reports.


The Analytics Marketplace extension and Analytics are not supported for TFS 2018 or earlier versions.

Analytics supports access to Analytics widgets for all projects defined in the project collection. For more information, see What is Analytics? and Widgets based on Analytics. Data available in Analytics is summarized in Data available from Analytics.


For Azure DevOps Server 2019.1 and greater:

Category Requirements
Project collection Project collection.
Permissions To enable, pause, disable, or resume Analytics: Member of the Project Collection Administrators group with Edit collection-level information permissions. For more information about other prerequisites regarding service and feature enablement and general data tracking activities, see Permissions and prerequisites to access Analytics.
Tools Azure DevOps Server installed and configured.

Enable Analytics


Analytics is automatically enabled for all newly created project collections.

  1. From a web browser, select (1) the project collection, (2) Collection Settings or Admin settings, and then (3) Analytics.

    Open Collection>Admin settings>Analytics

  2. Select Enable Analytics.

    Enable Analytics

    Once enabled, Analytics staging jobs begin to populate the Analytics data tables. This process could take some time depending on the size of your collection. For more information about the data tables, see Analytics data model.

Pause or disable Analytics

You can only pause or disable previously enabled Analytics.

  1. From the Analytics settings page, select Pause Analytics or Disable Analytics.

    Pause or Disable Analytics

  2. Confirm that you want to pause or disable the service.

    Confirm Pause dialog. Confirm  Disable

Resume Analytics

  1. From the Analytics settings page, select Resume Analytics.

    Enable Analytics

  2. Confirm that you want to resume the service.

    Confirm Resume dialog.

    Once enabled, Analytics staging jobs begin to populate the Analytics data tables. This process could take some time depending on the size of your collection.

What happens if I pause or disable Analytics?

When you pause or disable the Analytics extension (2019), the following features get disabled:

Pausing Analytics preserves your data but stops staging jobs from updating your data. You can resume the service later and then your data updates.

When you disable or remove the Analytics extension (2019), it turns off all Analytics staging jobs and deletes the Analytics data that is stored in the Analytics tables. All Analytics data that captures historical trends is lost. It doesn't delete any other data stored in your collection. You can't undo this action. Once historical data and trending data is deleted, you can't restore it. Re-enabling Analytics doesn't restore the historical data.

With Analytics disabled or removed, the following actions occur:

  • No staging jobs run, and the Analytics tables information doesn't get updated.
  • Table data is deleted, and if Analytics is re-enabled, all data must get repopulated from scratch.

For more information about the data tables, see Analytics data model.