Understand how to read new commerce invoice reconciliation files or line items in Partner Center
Appropriate roles: Billing admin | Admin agent | Sales agent
Invoice reconciliation file
This table explains the fields in the invoice reconciliation file for new commerce transactions or line items. To learn how to use invoice reconciliation, see how to use the reconciliation files.
Column | Description | Sample value |
PartnerId | Partner's Microsoft Entra ID—a unique identifier for Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP) partners. | aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee |
CustomerId | Customer's Microsoft Entra ID—a unique identifier for customers. | bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff |
CustomerName | Customer's organization. | Modern Customer |
CustomerDomainName | Domain name within the customer company using the product. | testcustomerdomain.onmicrosoft.com |
CustomerCountry | Customer's country or region. See the full list of countries/regions for your country/region. | US |
InvoiceNumber | Invoice number—a unique identifier for the invoice. | G000000001 |
MpnId | Microsoft partner identifier. | 1234567 |
ResellerMpnId | Reseller on record. | 7654321 |
OrderId | Internal order identifier. When you contact support, this ID can be helpful. | 0ET2qaZvJGfF9wgSKnWzR5JLmhp10lOc1, 6dc5c039750a |
OrderDate | UTC date of the billing event that created the transaction or billing line item. | 10/3/2020 |
ProductId | Product identifier. | DZH318Z0BNZ5 |
SkuId | SKU identifier. | 006G |
AvailabilityId | Availability identifier. | DZH318Z08B80 |
SkuName | SKU name. | Bandwidth Inter-Region - North America |
ProductName | Product name. | Bandwidth Inter-Region |
ChargeType | Type of charge or credit. | New |
UnitPrice | Price per unit or license, as listed in the price list in supported currencies for applicable countries/regions. | 0.045 |
Quantity | Units bought. Use BillableQuantity for reconciliation. | 1 |
Subtotal | Pretax cost. See details: Usage-based: ROUNDDOWN(ROUNDDOWN(EffectiveUnitPrice * BillableQuantity, 2) * PCToBCExchangeRate, 2) License or seat-based: ROUNDDOWN(EffectiveUnitPrice * PCToBCExchangeRate, 2) * BillableQuantity |
0.01 |
TaxTotal | Tax amount. Set by the tax regulations of the partner’s country or region. See details: Usage-based: ROUNDUP(ROUNDDOWN(ROUNDDOWN(EffectiveUnitPrice * BillableQuantity, 2) * PCToBCExchangeRate, 2) * TaxPercentage, 2) License or seat-based: ROUNDUP(ROUNDDOWN(EffectiveUnitPrice * PCToBCExchangeRate, 2) * TaxPercentage, 2) * BillableQuantity |
0 |
Total | Total cost. Equal to the subtotal plus the tax amount. | 0.045 |
Currency | Billing currency. Your bill is generated in the partner's billing currency. | USD |
PriceAdjustmentDescription | Reason for unit price adjustment. The text is presented or formatted in various ways without changing the meaning. | ["15.0% Partner earned credit for services managed"] |
PublisherName | Product publisher's name. | Microsoft |
PublisherId | Publisher identifier. | 123456 |
SubscriptionDescription | The service offering name, as listed in the price list, can be customized to keep a user-friendly name. | Azure plan |
SubscriptionId | Subscription identifier. This identifier isn't the same as the Subscription ID on the partner admin console. | aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e |
ChargeStartDate | Date when billing starts for a specific billing period. | 9/1/2020 |
ChargeEndDate | Date when billing ends for a specific billing period. It depends on the charge cycle, billing plan, and coterminosity. Learn more at How are one-time and recurring charges calculated. | 9/30/2020 |
TermAndBillingCycle | The duration of your subscription. For more information, see How do I find the billing term in a reconciliation file?. | Data Stored (GB/Month), One-Year commitment for monthly/yearly billing |
EffectiveUnitPrice | The final price of one subscription license for a billing plan, considering factors like billable days, discounts, promotions, and other adjustments. | 0.3825 |
UnitType | Type used for billing unit calculation. | 1 GB/Month |
AlternateId | Alternate order ID. | 6dc5c039750a |
BillableQuantity | Number of licenses, usage hours, or other units used for product billing. | 5.5001 |
BillingFrequency | Billing plan or payment frequency. Left blank for one-time payments and all unbilled billing line items. |
Monthly, Annual |
PricingCurrency | Currency in which the product is priced. The customer's local currency is used if the product is available in multiple currencies. | USD |
PCToBCExchangeRate | Exchange rate used to convert costs from pricing currency to billing currency. | 0.846202666 |
PCToBCExchangeRateDate | The date that is used to determine the exchange rate. | 9/30/2020 |
MeterDescription | Meter description. | Bandwidth Inter-Region - GB Data Transfer Out - North America |
ReservationOrderId | Order ID for Azure reservation or savings plan. | a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 |
CreditReasonCode | Azure credit reason (not applicable to refunds). | Azure Credit, Sponsorship Credit, etc. |
SubscriptionStartDate | Date of purchase or renewal of a subscription. | 5/1/2021 |
SubscriptionEndDate | Date when the subscription ends or expires. | 4/30/2022 |
ReferenceId | Concurrent transactions identifier. | 0000aaaa-11bb-cccc-dd22-eeeeee333333 |
ProductQualifiers | Purchase type identifier (add-on, trial, or both). | ["Add-on"] |
PromotionId | Promotion identifier. | CFQ7TTC0LDPB:1:CFQ7TTC0GZQJ |