Troubleshoot HR user update issues
Null and empty values not processed as expected
Applies to:
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | You successfully configured the inbound provisioning app. You're getting null or empty value from the HR app. You expect the provisioning service to clear the corresponding target attribute value in on-premises Active Directory / Microsoft Entra ID. But the operation fails with the error message: InvalidAttributeSyntax-LdapErr: The syntax is invalid. The parameter is incorrect. Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v3839 |
Cause | The provisioning service doesn't have a default logic for null value processing. When the provisioning service gets an empty string from the source app, it tries to flow the value "as-is" to the target app. In this case, on-premises Active Directory provisioning connector currently doesn't support setting empty string values and hence you see the previously mentioned error. |
Resolution | Check the provisioning logs. Identify attributes in the target Active Directory that are receiving null or empty string values. Update the attribute mapping for such attributes to use an expression mapping. See recommended resolutions. |
Recommended resolutions
Let's say the attribute BusinessTitle
mapped to AD attribute jobTitle
may be null or empty in Workday.
- Option 1: Use the function Switch to check for empty or null values and pass a non-blank literal value.
Option 2: Use the function IgnoreFlowIfNullOrEmpty to drop empty or null attributes in the payload sent to on-premises Active Directory / Microsoft Entra ID.
Some Workday attribute updates are missing
Applies to:
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | You successfully configured the Workday inbound provisioning app and successfully connected to the Workday tenant URL. You're observing that there's a delay in the flow of certain attribute updates from Workday or in some cases, the attributes changes from Workday aren't flowing through as expected during incremental sync. |
Cause | During incremental sync, the provisioning app queries Workday transaction log for changes to the primary Worker entity and only changes tracked by Workday's transaction log are processed. If changes to a Workday attribute in your setup aren't tracked in Workday's transaction log, then Microsoft Entra ID doesn't fetch that change. For example: the LocalReference Workday attribute is part of the default attribute mapping and it has XPATH wd:Worker/wd:Worker_Data/wd:Employment_Data/wd:Position_Data/wd:Business_Site_Summary_Data/wd:Local_Reference/wd:ID[@wd:type='Locale_ID']/text() . This attribute is part of the entity Business_Site_Summary_Data. A change in the value of this attribute in Workday doesn't show up in the Workday transaction log. Thus during incremental sync, the new value of this attribute shows up only if an attribute associated with the primary Worker entity also changes during the sync interval. |
Resolution | If you notice this behavior frequently, where changes to certain Workday attributes aren't flowing through, we recommend periodically running a weekly or monthly full sync. |
Attribute isn't found
Applies to:
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- API-driven provisioning to on-premises Active Directory
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | You receive the error code: HybridSynchronizationActiveDirectoryCannotFindAttribute |
Cause | The attribute name wasn't found in the Active Directory schema: attribute. |
Resolution | If the attribute was recently added to Active Directory, restart the provisioning agent, as it caches the schema at startup. |
User match with extensionAttribute not working
Applies to:
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | Let's say you're using extensionAttribute3 in Microsoft Entra ID to store the employee ID and you map it to Workday WorkerID or SuccessFactors personIdExternal attribute for user matching. With this configuration, the matching step in provisioning process fails. This issue impacts both user creation and updates. |
Cause | The Microsoft Entra ID OnPremisesExtensionAttributes (extensionAttributes1-15 ) can't be used as a matching attribute because the $filter parameter of Azure AD Graph API doesn't support filtering by extensionAttributes. |
Resolution | Don't use Microsoft Entra ID OnPremisesExtensionAttributes (extensionAttributes1-15 ) in the matching attribute pair. Use employeeID. |
Updates to Microsoft Entra ID mail attribute not supported
Applies to:
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
- API-driven provisioning Microsoft Entra ID
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | You configured mail attribute provisioning from your HR system to Microsoft Entra ID. Any update to the mail attribute isn't working even though the provisioning logs display a record for the mail attribute. |
Cause | The provisioning connector to Microsoft Entra does not support setting the mail attribute during user provisioning as this attribute is managed by Microsoft Exchange online. |
Resolution | After creating the user, assigning the Exchange Online license to the user automatically sets the user principal name as the email address. To update the mail attribute, use the Exchange Online portal or PowerShell. |
Provisioning Last Day of Work field from Workday
Applies to:
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | You configured attribute mapping for Workday 'Last Day of Work' (StatusTerminationLastDayOfWork ) attribute in the provisioning app. However, the 'Last Day of Work' update only happens after the termination date is effective, whereas you’d like to fetch this 'Last Day of Work' before the termination date. |
Cause | In Workday, the 'Last Day of Work' field gets set on the worker profile only after the termination date is effective. Hence, the Workday provisioning connector is unable to get this date in advance before the termination date. |
Resolution | In Workday create a provisioning group called 'Workers past Last Day of Work'. Add automation in Workday to assign users to this group when a worker’s last day of work is reached. In the Microsoft Entra provisioning job, add a Workday XPATH attribute to fetch this group assignment. |
- Example:
`LastDayOfWorkWorkers = wd:Worker/wd:Worker_Data/wd:Account_Provisioning_Data/wd:Provisioning_Group_Assignment_Data[wd:Status='Assigned' and wd:Provisioning_Group=" Workers past Last Day of Work"]/wd:Provisioning_Group/text()`
Use this field in the attribute mapping logic for the accountDisabled flag.
- Example:
`Switch([LastDayOfWorkWorkers], Switch([Active], , "1", "False", "0", "True"), 'Workers past Last Day of Work', "True")`
Workday termination processing delay
Applies to:
- Workday to on-premises Active Directory user provisioning
- Workday to Microsoft Entra user provisioning
Troubleshooting | Details |
Issue | During incremental sync, there may be a delay of 12-18 hours in processing the termination event for workers located in the Asia Pacific and Australia/New Zealand regions. |
Cause | The Workday Integration System User (ISU) accounts always retrieve data based on the Pacific time zone. The connector currently doesn't implement specialized query to process termination records specific to a time zone. |
Resolution | There are two possible workarounds: |
Use provisioning on demand to process termination event of a specific user.
In Workday, create a provisioning group called Terminated Workers. Update the termination business process in Workday to assign users to this group when termination happens. In the Microsoft Entra provisioning job, add a Workday XPATH attribute to fetch this group assignment.
- Example:
`TerminatedWorkers = wd:Worker/wd:Worker_Data/wd:Account_Provisioning_Data/wd:Provisioning_Group_Assignment_Data[wd:Status='Assigned' and wd:Provisioning_Group="Terminated Workers"]/wd:Provisioning_Group/text()`
Use this field in the attribute mapping logic for the accountDisabled flag.
- Example:
`Switch([TerminatedWorkers], Switch([Active], , "1", "False", "0", "True"), "Terminated Workers", "True")`