Enterprise plan in Azure Marketplace
The Basic, Standard, and Enterprise plans entered a retirement period on March 17, 2025. For more information, see the Azure Spring Apps retirement announcement.
The Standard consumption and dedicated plan entered a retirement period on September 30, 2024, with a complete shutdown by the end of March 2025. For more information, see Migrate Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan to Azure Container Apps.
This article applies to: ❎ Basic/Standard ✅ Enterprise
This article describes the Azure Marketplace offer and license requirements for the VMware Taznu components in the Enterprise plan in Azure Spring Apps.
Enterprise plan and VMware Tanzu components
The Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan is optimized for the needs of enterprise Spring developers and provides advanced configurability, flexibility, and portability. Azure Spring Apps also provides the enterprise-ready VMware Spring Runtime with 24/7 support in a strong partnership with VMware. You can learn more about the plan's value propositions in the Enterprise plan section of What is Azure Spring Apps?
Because the Enterprise plan provides feature parity with the Standard plan, it provides a rich set of features that include app lifecycle management, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
The Enterprise plan provides the following managed VMware Tanzu components that empower enterprises to ship faster:
- Tanzu Build Service
- Application Configuration Service for Tanzu
- Tanzu Service Registry
- Spring Cloud Gateway for Tanzu
- API portal for VMware Tanzu
- Application Live View for VMware Tanzu
- Application Accelerator for VMware Tanzu
The pricing for Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan is composed of the following two parts:
- Infrastructure pricing, set by Microsoft, based on vCPU and memory usage of apps and managed Tanzu components.
- Tanzu component licensing pricing, set by VMware, based on vCPU usage of apps.
For more information about pricing, see Azure Spring Apps pricing.
To provide the best customer experience to manage the Tanzu component license purchasing and metering, VMware creates an Azure Spring Apps Enterprise offer in Azure Marketplace. This offer represents a Tanzu component license that's automatically purchased on behalf of customers during the creation of an Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan instance.
Under this implicit Azure Marketplace third-party offer purchase from VMware, your personal data and application vCPU usage data is shared with VMware. You agree to this data sharing when you agree to the marketplace terms upon creating the service instance.
To purchase the Tanzu component license successfully, the billing account of your subscription must be included in one of the locations listed in the Supported geographic locations of billing account section. Because of tax management restrictions from VMware in some countries/regions, not all countries/regions are supported.
The extra license fees apply only to the Enterprise plan. In the Azure Spring Apps Standard plan, there are no extra license fees because the managed Spring components use the OSS config server and Eureka server. No other third-party license fees are required.
On the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise offer page in Azure Marketplace, you can review the Tanzu component license pricing.
You can use the Azure portal or the Azure CLI to provision an Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan service instance. You can also select Subscribe on the Azure Marketplace offer page to create the service instance. Azure Marketplace redirects you to the Azure Spring Apps creation page.
You must understand and fulfill the following requirements to successfully create an instance of the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan when purchasing the Azure Marketplace offer.
Your Azure subscription must be registered to the
resource provider. For more information, see the Register resource provider section of Azure resource providers and types.Your Azure subscription must have an associated payment method. Azure credits or free MSDN subscriptions aren't supported. For more information, see the Purchasing requirements section of What is Azure Marketplace?
Your Azure subscription must belong to a billing account in a supported geographic location defined in the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise offer in Azure Marketplace. For more information, see the Supported geographic locations of billing account section.
Your region must be available. Choose an Azure region currently available. For more information, see In which regions is the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan available? in the Azure Spring Apps FAQ.
Your organization must allow Azure Marketplace purchases. For more information, see the Enabling Azure Marketplace purchases section of Azure Marketplace.
Your organization must allow acquisition of any Azure Marketplace software application as described in the Purchase policy management section of Azure Marketplace purchasing.
You must accept the marketplace legal terms and privacy statements while provisioning the plan on the Azure portal, or you can use the following commands to do so in advance.
az term accept \ --publisher vmware-inc \ --product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 \ --plan asa-ent-hr-mtr
Supported geographic locations of billing account
To successfully purchase the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise offer on Azure Marketplace, your Azure subscription must belong to a billing account in a supported geographic location defined in the offer.
The following table lists each supported geographic location and its ISO 3166 two-digit alpha code.
Country/Region Name | ISO-2 |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Brazil | BR |
Bulgaria | BG |
Canada | CA |
Chile | CL |
Colombia | CO |
Croatia | HR |
Cyprus | CY |
Czechia | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Estonia | EE |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
Germany | DE |
Greece | GR |
Hong Kong SAR | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Ireland | IE |
Israel1 | IL |
Italy | IT |
Korea | KE |
Latvia | LV |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Malaysia | MY |
Malta | MT |
Mexico | MX |
Monaco | MC |
Netherlands | NL |
New Zealand | NZ |
Nigeria | NG |
Norway | NO |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Romania | RO |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Serbia | RS |
Singapore | SG |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
South Africa | ZA |
Spain | ES |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Taiwan | TW |
Thailand | TH |
Türkiye | TR |
United Arab Emirates | AE |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
1 Israel requires reaching out to asa-e-contact@vmware.com with Tax ID (TIN) information to unlock.
Troubleshoot errors
The following list shows the errors you might encounter when you create an Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan instance, and the actions to take to resolve the errors:
Failed to purchase on Azure Marketplace because the Microsoft.SaaS RP is not registered on the Azure subscription.
Register your Azure subscription with the
resource provider. For more information, see the Register resource provider section of Azure resource providers and types.Failed to load catalog product vmware-inc.azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 in the Azure subscription market.
The billing account for your subscription doesn't contain a valid billing address in the scope of the supported geographic locations. Use the following steps to fix this problem:
Find the billing address of the billing account for your subscription by following the steps in the Check the type of your account section of Billing accounts and scopes in the Azure portal. If you can't view or manage billing accounts, you probably don't have permission to access them. Ask your billing account administrator for help.
Determine whether the billing address is in the scope of the supported geographic locations. If it isn't, try one of the following approaches:
If possible, use another billing account with a supported billing address and then try again.
If you want to use the current subscription, raise a support ticket with us with the subject "Unsupported market in billing address when creating Azure Spring Apps enterprise".
Failed to purchase on Azure Marketplace due to signature verification on Marketplace legal agreement.
You haven't accepted the marketplace legal terms and privacy statements while provisioning the plan. Use the following command to accept the terms:
az term accept \ --publisher vmware-inc \ --product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 \ --plan asa-ent-hr-mtr
Purchase has failed because we couldn't find a valid credit card nor a payment method associated with your Azure subscription.
Your Azure subscription doesn't have an associated payment method. Azure credits or free MSDN subscriptions aren't supported. For more information, see the Purchasing requirements section of What is Azure Marketplace?
Plan can not be purchased on a free subscription.
Your Azure subscription doesn't have an associated payment method. Azure credits or free MSDN subscriptions aren't supported. For more information, see the Purchasing requirements section of What is Azure Marketplace?
Your Azure subscription which is associated with a deleted organization. The billing account is not valid to purchase the SaaS.
Your Azure subscription doesn't have an associated payment method. Azure credits or free MSDN subscriptions aren't supported. For more information, see the Purchasing requirements section of What is Azure Marketplace?
Failed to check if marketplace is enabled for your Azure subscription.
Your organization doesn't allow Azure Marketplace purchases. To allow the purchase, see the Enabling Azure Marketplace purchases section of Azure Marketplace.
Purchase for Azure product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 and plan Azure Spring Apps Enterprise (Public) is not allowed.
Your organization doesn't allow Azure Marketplace purchases. To allow the purchase, see the Enabling Azure Marketplace purchases section of Azure Marketplace.
Failed to process eligibility check with error Plan 'Azure Spring Apps Enterprise (Public)' of offer 'Azure Spring Apps Enterprise' by publisher 'VMware Inc.' is not available to you for purchase due to private marketplace settings made by your tenant's IT admin.
Your organization doesn't allow Azure Marketplace purchases or acquisition of any Azure Marketplace software application. To allow the purchase, see the Enabling Azure Marketplace purchases section of Azure Marketplace and the Purchase policy management section of Azure Marketplace purchasing.
This offer 'vmware-inc.azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2' is not available for purchasing by subscriptions belonging to Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution Providers.
There's currently no support for Azure Cloud Solution Providers to purchase Azure Spring Apps Enterprise yet. We're working on enabling this support.