Look up a project collection administrator

Azure DevOps Server 2019

The Project Collection Administrators group is a pivotal security group within an organization or collection, with members empowered to do the following tasks:

  • Add users to a collection
  • Create and manage projects within an organization or collection
  • Create and manage Inherited processes defined for a collection
  • Import and export On-premises XML process templates to a collection
  • Install and uninstall extensions
  • Add members and groups to the Project Collection Administrators group or any other project-level group
  • Manage permissions across all levels

To add members to the Project Collection Administrators group or change a project collection-level permission see Change project collection-level permissions.

For more information, see Get started with permissions and security groups.


Category Requirements
Permissions Member of the Project Collection Valid Users group. Project members are automatically members of this group.

Show members of the Project Collection Administrators group

To identify members, do the following steps.

  1. Select the Azure DevOps logo to open Projects, and then select Organization settings.

    Screenshot of opening Organization settings.

  2. Select Security > Project Collection Administrators > Members.

    Screenshot of Security, Project Collection Administrators group, Members tab.

The display shows a list of users who are part of the Project Collection Administrators group.

Next steps