Resolve errors for storage account names
This article describes how to resolve errors for Azure storage account names that can occur during deployment with a Bicep file or Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). Common causes for an error are a storage account name with invalid characters or a storage account that uses the same name as an existing storage account. Storage account names must be globally unique across Azure.
An invalid storage account name causes an error code during deployment. The following are some examples of errors for storage account names.
Account name invalid
If your storage account name includes prohibited characters, like an uppercase letter or special character like an exclamation point.
Message=S!torageckrexph7isnoc is not a valid storage account name. Storage account name must be
between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.
Invalid resource location
If you try to deploy a new storage account with the same name and in the same resource group, but use a different location as an existing storage account in your Azure subscription. The error indicates the storage account already exists and can't be created in the new location. Select a different name to create the new storage account.
Message=The resource 'storageckrexph7isnoc' already exists in location 'westus'
in resource group 'demostorage'. A resource with the same name cannot be created in location 'eastus'.
Please select a new resource name.
Storage account in another resource group
If you try to deploy a new storage account with the same name and location as an existing storage account but in a different resource group in your subscription.
Message=The account storageckrexph7isnoc is already in another resource group in this subscription.
Storage account already taken
If you try to deploy a new storage account with the same name as a storage account that already exists in Azure. The existing storage account name might be in your subscription or tenant, or anywhere across Azure. Storage account names must be globally unique across Azure.
Message=The storage account named storageckrexph7isnoc is already taken.
There are two main causes for this error.
Cause 1
The storage account name uses invalid characters or is a duplicate name. Storage account names must meet the following criteria:
- Length between 3 and 24 characters with only lowercase letters and numbers.
- Must be globally unique across Azure. Storage account names can't be duplicated in Azure.
Solution 1
You can create a unique name by concatenating a prefix or suffix with a value from the uniqueString
The following examples specify a prefix with the string storage
that's concatenated with the value from uniqueString
Bicep uses string interpolation with uniqueString.
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-09-01' = {
name: 'storage${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'
Make sure your storage account name doesn't exceed 24 characters. The uniqueString
function returns 13 characters. If you want to concatenate a prefix or suffix, provide a value that's 11 characters or less.
The following examples use a parameter named storageNamePrefix
that creates a prefix with a maximum of 11 characters.
@description('The prefix value for the storage account name.')
param storageNamePrefix string = 'storage'
You then concatenate the storageNamePrefix
parameter's value with the uniqueString
value to create a storage account name.
Cause 2
The storage account was recently deleted.
If a request to create the storage account comes from a different subscription and tenant than where it was previously located, it is denied for security purposes as described here, Prevent dangling DNS entries and avoid subdomain takeover.
Solution 2
Create a Support Request and choose Create new storage account for the problem type, and Failure(s) during new account creation for the Problem subtype. Make sure to include the name of the storage account and the approximate time when account creation failed.