Customize sign-ins and sign-outs in Azure App Service authentication

This article shows you how to customize user sign-ins and sign-outs while using the built-in authentication and authorization in Azure App Service.

Use multiple sign-in providers

The Azure portal configuration doesn't offer a turnkey way to present multiple sign-in providers to your users (such as both Facebook and X). To add the functionality of using multiple sign-in providers to your app:

  1. In the Azure portal, on the Authentication / Authorization page, configure each identity provider that you want to enable.

  2. In Action to take when request is not authenticated, select Allow Anonymous requests (no action).

  3. On the sign-in page, or the navigation bar, or any other location of your app, add a sign-in link to each of the providers that you enabled (/.auth/login/<provider>). For example:

    <a href="/.auth/login/aad">Log in with Microsoft Entra</a>
    <a href="/.auth/login/facebook">Log in with Facebook</a>
    <a href="/.auth/login/google">Log in with Google</a>
    <a href="/.auth/login/x">Log in with X</a>
    <a href="/.auth/login/apple">Log in with Apple</a>

When the user selects one of the links, the respective page opens for sign-in.

To redirect the user to a custom URL after sign-in, use the post_login_redirect_uri query string parameter. (Don't confuse this parameter with the redirect URI in your identity provider configuration.) For example, to move the user to /Home/Index after sign-in, use the following HTML code:

<a href="/.auth/login/<provider>?post_login_redirect_uri=/Home/Index">Log in</a>

Use client-directed sign-in

In a client-directed sign-in, the application signs in the user to the identity provider by using a provider-specific SDK. The application code then submits the resulting authentication token to App Service for validation (see Authentication flow) by using an HTTP POST request. This validation itself doesn't grant users access to the desired app resources, but a successful validation gives users a session token that they can use to access app resources.

To validate the provider token, the App Service app must first be configured with the desired provider. At runtime, after you retrieve the authentication token from your provider, post the token to /.auth/login/<provider> for validation. For example:

POST https://<appname> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


The token format varies slightly according to the provider:

Provider value Required in request body Comments
aad {"access_token":"<access_token>"} The id_token, refresh_token, and expires_in properties are optional.
google {"id_token":"<id_token>"} The authorization_code property is optional. Providing an authorization_code value adds an access token and a refresh token to the token store. When you specify authorization_code, you can optionally accompany it with a redirect_uri property.
facebook {"access_token":"<user_access_token>"} Use a valid user access token from Facebook.
twitter {"access_token":"<access_token>", "access_token_secret":"<access_token_secret>"}


The GitHub provider for App Service authentication does not support customized sign-in and sign-out.

If the provider token is validated successfully, the API returns with an authenticationToken value in the response body. This value is your session token. To get more information on the user claims, see Work with user identities in Azure App Service authentication.

    "authenticationToken": "...",
    "user": {
        "userId": "sid:..."

After you have this session token, you can access protected app resources by adding the X-ZUMO-AUTH header to your HTTP requests. For example:

GET https://<appname>
X-ZUMO-AUTH: <authenticationToken_value>

Sign out of a session

Users can initiate a sign-out by sending a GET request to the app's /.auth/logout endpoint. The GET request:

  • Clears authentication cookies from the current session.
  • Deletes the current user's tokens from the token store.
  • For Microsoft Entra and Google, performs a server-side sign-out on the identity provider.

Here's a simple sign-out link on a webpage:

<a href="/.auth/logout">Sign out</a>

By default, a successful sign-out redirects the client to the URL /.auth/logout/complete. You can change the post-sign-out redirect page by adding the post_logout_redirect_uri query parameter. For example:

GET /.auth/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=/index.html

We recommend that you encode the value of post_logout_redirect_uri.

When you're using fully qualified URLs, the URL must be either hosted in the same domain or configured as an allowed external redirect URL for your app. The following example redirects to an URL that's not hosted in the same domain:

GET /.auth/logout?

Run the following command in Azure Cloud Shell:

az webapp auth update --name <app_name> --resource-group <group_name> --allowed-external-redirect-urls ""

Preserve URL fragments

After users sign in to your app, they usually want to be redirected to the same section of the same page, such as /wiki/Main_Page#SectionZ. However, because URL fragments (for example, #SectionZ) are never sent to the server, they're not preserved by default after the OAuth sign-in finishes and redirects back to your app. Users then get a suboptimal experience when they need to go to the desired anchor again. This limitation applies to all server-side authentication solutions.

In App Service authentication, you can preserve URL fragments across the OAuth sign-in by setting WEBSITE_AUTH_PRESERVE_URL_FRAGMENT to true. You use this app setting in the Azure portal, or you can run the following command in Cloud Shell:

az webapp config appsettings set --name <app_name> --resource-group <group_name> --settings WEBSITE_AUTH_PRESERVE_URL_FRAGMENT="true"

Set the domain hint for sign-in accounts

Both Microsoft accounts and Microsoft Entra let users sign in from multiple domains. For example, a Microsoft account allows,, and accounts. Microsoft Entra allows any number of custom domains for the sign-in accounts. However, you might want to accelerate your users straight to your own branded Microsoft Entra sign-in page (such as

To suggest the domain name of the sign-in accounts, follow these steps:

  1. In Resource Explorer, at the top of the page, select Read/Write.

  2. On the left pane, go to subscriptions > subscription-name > resourceGroups > resource-group-name > providers > Microsoft.Web > sites > app-name > config > authsettingsV2.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Add a loginParameters array with a domain_hint item:

    "identityProviders": {
        "azureActiveDirectory": {
            "login": {
                "loginParameters": ["domain_hint=<domain-name>"],
  5. Select Put.

This setting appends the domain_hint query string parameter to the sign-in redirect URL.


It's possible for the client to remove the domain_hint parameter after receiving the redirect URL, and then sign in with a different domain. So although this function is convenient, it's not a security feature.

Authorize or deny users

App Service takes care of the simplest authorization case (for example, reject unauthenticated requests). But your app might require more fine-grained authorization behavior, such as limiting access to only a specific group of users.

In certain cases, you need to write custom application code to allow or deny access to the signed-in user. In other cases, App Service or your identity provider might be able to help without requiring code changes.

Server level (Windows apps only)

For any Windows app, you can define authorization behavior of the IIS web server by editing the Web.config file. Linux apps don't use IIS and can't be configured through Web.config.

  1. Go to https://<app-name>

  2. In the browser explorer of your App Service files, go to site/wwwroot. If Web.config doesn't exist, create it by selecting + > New File.

  3. Select the pencil for Web.config to edit the file. Add the following configuration code, and then select Save. If Web.config already exists, just add the <authorization> element with everything in it. In the <allow> element, add the accounts that you want to allow.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <allow users=","/>
            <deny users="*"/>

Identity provider level

The identity provider might provide certain turnkey authorization. For example:

Application level

If either of the other levels doesn't provide the authorization that you need, or if your platform or identity provider isn't supported, you must write custom code to authorize users based on the user claims.