Enable logging in the Speech SDK

Logging to file is an optional feature for the Speech SDK. During development, logging provides additional information and diagnostics from the Speech SDK's core components. It can be enabled by setting the Speech_LogFilename property on a speech configuration object to the location and name of the log file. Logging is handled by a static class in Speech SDK’s native library. You can turn on logging for any Speech SDK recognizer or synthesizer instance. All instances in the same process write log entries to the same log file.


The log file name is specified on a configuration object. Taking the SpeechConfig as an example and assuming that you created an instance called speechConfig:

speechConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, "LogfilePathAndName");
speechConfig.setProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, "LogfilePathAndName");
speechConfig->SetProperty(PropertyId::Speech_LogFilename, "LogfilePathAndName");
speech_config.set_property(speechsdk.PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, "LogfilePathAndName")
[speechConfig setPropertyTo:@"LogfilePathAndName" byId:SPXSpeechLogFilename];
import ("github.com/Microsoft/cognitive-services-speech-sdk-go/common")

speechConfig.SetProperty(common.SpeechLogFilename, "LogfilePathAndName")

You can create a recognizer from the configuration object. This enables logging for all recognizers.


If you create a SpeechSynthesizer from the configuration object, it will not enable logging. If logging is enabled though, you will also receive diagnostics from the SpeechSynthesizer.

JavaScript is an exception where the logging is enabled via SDK diagnostics as shown in the following code snippet:


Create a log file on different platforms

For Windows or Linux, the log file can be in any path the user has write permission for. Write permissions to file system locations in other operating systems might be limited or restricted by default.

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

UWP applications need to be places log files in one of the application data locations (local, roaming, or temporary). A log file can be created in the local application folder:

StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
StorageFile logFile = await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync("logfile.txt", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
speechConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, logFile.Path);

Within a Unity UWP application, a log file can be created using the application persistent data path folder as follows:

    string logFile = Application.persistentDataPath + "/logFile.txt";
    speechConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, logFile);

For more about file access permissions in UWP applications, see File access permissions.


You can save a log file to either internal storage, external storage, or the cache directory. Files created in the internal storage or the cache directory are private to the application. It's preferable to create a log file in external storage.

File dir = context.getExternalFilesDir(null);
File logFile = new File(dir, "logfile.txt");
speechConfig.setProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, logFile.getAbsolutePath());

The code above will save a log file to the external storage in the root of an application-specific directory. A user can access the file with the file manager (usually in Android/data/ApplicationName/logfile.txt). The file is deleted when the application is uninstalled.

You also need to request WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in the manifest file:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="...">
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Within a Unity Android application, the log file can be created using the application persistent data path folder as follows:

string logFile = Application.persistentDataPath + "/logFile.txt";
speechConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, logFile);

In addition, you need to also set write permission in your Unity Player settings for Android to "External (SDCard)". The log is written to a directory that you can get by using a tool such as AndroidStudio Device File Explorer. The exact directory path can vary between Android devices. The location is typically the sdcard/Android/data/your-app-packagename/files directory.

More about data and file storage for Android applications is available here.


Only directories inside the application sandbox are accessible. Files can be created in the documents, library, and temp directories. Files in the documents directory can be made available to a user.

If you're using Objective-C on iOS, use the following code snippet to create a log file in the application document directory:

NSString *filePath = [
  [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]
[speechConfig setPropertyTo:filePath byId:SPXSpeechLogFilename];

To access a created file, add the below properties to the Info.plist property list of the application:


If you're using Swift on iOS, use the following code snippet to enable logs:

let documentsDirectoryPathString = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
let documentsDirectoryPath = NSURL(string: documentsDirectoryPathString)!
let logFilePath = documentsDirectoryPath.appendingPathComponent("swift.log")
self.speechConfig!.setPropertyTo(logFilePath!.absoluteString, by: SPXPropertyId.speechLogFilename)

More about iOS File System is available here.

Logging with multiple recognizers

Although a log file output path is specified as a configuration property into a SpeechRecognizer or other SDK object, SDK logging is a singleton, process-wide facility with no concept of individual instances. You can think of this as the SpeechRecognizer constructor (or similar) implicitly calling a static and internal "Configure Global Logging" routine with the property data available in the corresponding SpeechConfig.

This means that you can't, as an example, configure six parallel recognizers to output simultaneously to six separate files. Instead, the latest recognizer created will configure the global logging instance to output to the file specified in its configuration properties and all SDK logging is emitted to that file.

This also means that the lifetime of the object that configured logging isn't tied to the duration of logging. Logging won't stop in response to the release of an SDK object and will continue as long as no new logging configuration is provided. Once started, process-wide logging can be stopped by setting the log file path to an empty string when creating a new object.

To reduce potential confusion when configuring logging for multiple instances, it might be useful to abstract control of logging from objects doing real work. An example pair of helper routines:

void EnableSpeechSdkLogging(const char* relativePath)
	auto configForLogging = SpeechConfig::FromSubscription("unused_key", "unused_region");
	configForLogging->SetProperty(PropertyId::Speech_LogFilename, relativePath);
	auto emptyAudioConfig = AudioConfig::FromStreamInput(AudioInputStream::CreatePushStream());
	auto temporaryRecognizer = SpeechRecognizer::FromConfig(configForLogging, emptyAudioConfig);

void DisableSpeechSdkLogging()

Logging with file logger, Memory logger and event logger

With Speech SDK version 1.43.0, the logging mechanism is extended with more types of loggers: File logger, Memory logger and Event logger.

  • File logger is the simplest logging solution and suitable for diagnosing most on-device issues when running Speech SDK.

  • Memory logger is a logging solution that stores log messages in memory. It's suitable for diagnosing issues that occur in a short period of time. For example, if you're running a Speech Recognizer, you might want to dump the memory logger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and can't be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer.

  • Event logger is a logging solution that sends log messages to the event handler which is provided by the developer. It's suitable for diagnosing issues when certain new log strings are as soon as available and need for further processing. For example, integrating Speech SDK logs with your existing logging collection system.

The file logger, memory logger, and event logger all have filter mechanism by only logging certain string messages. Also these loggers are process wide constructs. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there's one log file containing interleaved logs lines from all recognizers. You can't get a separate file logger for each recognizer. Similarly, there's one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers and you can only register one event handler as callback function to receive interleaved logs from all recognizers. You can't get a separate memory logger for each recognizer and you can't register an event handler for each recognizer. However, File logger, memory logger and event logger can coexist in the same process or in the same recognizer.


using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech;
using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.Diagnostics.Logging;

class Program 
    public static void FileLoggerWithoutFilters()

        // Other Speech SDK calls


    public static void FileLoggerWithFilters()
        string[] filters = { "YourFirstString", "YourSecondString" };

        // Other Speech SDK calls

    public static void MemoryLoggerWithoutFilters()

        // Other Speech SDK calls

        // At any time (whether logging is stopped) you can dump the traces in memory to a file

        // Or dump to any object that is derived from System.IO.TextWriter. For example, System.Console.Out

        // Or dump to a vector of strings
        List<string> messages = MemoryLogger.Dump().ToList<string>();


    // These variables and method are used by the EvenLogger sample below.
    private static readonly object lockObject = new object();
    private static List<string> eventMessages = new List<string>();
    private static void OnMessageEvent(object sender, string message)
        lock (lockObject)
            // Store the message for later processing. Better not processing it in the event thread

    public static void EventLoggerWithoutFilters()
        // Subscribe an event that will get invoked by Speech SDK on every new log message
        EventLogger.OnMessage += OnMessageEvent;

        // Other Speech SDK calls

        // Unsubscribe to stop getting events
        EventLogger.OnMessage -= OnMessageEvent;

With Speech SDK version 1.43.0, the logging mechanism is extended with more types of loggers: File logger, Memory logger and Event logger.

  • File logger is the simplest logging solution and suitable for diagnosing most on-device issues when running Speech SDK.

  • Memory logger is a logging solution that stores log messages in memory. It's suitable for diagnosing issues that occur in a short period of time. For example, if you're running a Speech Recognizer, you might want to dump the memory logger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and can't be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer.

  • Event logger is a logging solution that sends log messages to the event handler which is provided by the developer. It's suitable for diagnosing issues when certain new log strings are as soon as available and need for further processing. For example, integrating Speech SDK logs with your existing logging collection system.

The file logger, memory logger, and event logger all have filter mechanism by only logging certain string messages. Also these loggers are process wide constructs. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there's one log file containing interleaved logs lines from all recognizers. You can't get a separate file logger for each recognizer. Similarly, there's one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers and you can only register one event handler as callback function to receive interleaved logs from all recognizers. You can't get a separate memory logger for each recognizer and you can't register an event handler for each recognizer. However, File logger, memory logger and event logger can coexist in the same process or in the same recognizer.


using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech;
using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech::Diagnostics::Logging;

void FileLoggerWithoutFilters()

    // Other Speech SDK calls


void FileLoggerWithFilters()
    std::initializer_list<std::string> filters = { "YourFirstString", "YourSecondString" };

    // Other Speech SDK calls

void MemoryLoggerWithoutFilters()

    // Other Speech SDK calls

    // At any time (whether logging is stopped) you can dump the traces in memory to a file

    // Or dump to any stream object that is derived from std::ostream. For example, std::cout

    // Or dump to a vector of strings
    std::vector<std::string> messages = MemoryLogger::Dump();


void EventLoggerWithoutFilters()
    std::mutex mtx;
    std::vector<std::string> messages;

    // Register a callback that will get invoked by Speech SDK on every new log message
    EventLogger::SetCallback([&messages, &mtx](std::string message) {
        // Store the message for later processing. Better not processing it in the event thread
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);

    // Other Speech SDK calls

    // Stop logging by setting an empty callback

With Speech SDK version 1.43.0, the logging mechanism is extended with more types of loggers: File logger, Memory logger and Event logger.

  • File logger is the simplest logging solution and suitable for diagnosing most on-device issues when running Speech SDK.

  • Memory logger is a logging solution that stores log messages in memory. It's suitable for diagnosing issues that occur in a short period of time. For example, if you're running a Speech Recognizer, you might want to dump the memory logger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and can't be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer.

  • Event logger is a logging solution that sends log messages to the event handler which is provided by the developer. It's suitable for diagnosing issues when certain new log strings are as soon as available and need for further processing. For example, integrating Speech SDK logs with your existing logging collection system.

The file logger, memory logger, and event logger all have filter mechanism by only logging certain string messages. Also these loggers are process wide constructs. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there's one log file containing interleaved logs lines from all recognizers. You can't get a separate file logger for each recognizer. Similarly, there's one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers and you can only register one event handler as callback function to receive interleaved logs from all recognizers. You can't get a separate memory logger for each recognizer and you can't register an event handler for each recognizer. However, File logger, memory logger and event logger can coexist in the same process or in the same recognizer.


import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.*;
import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.diagnostics.logging.EventLogger;
import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.diagnostics.logging.FileLogger;
import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.diagnostics.logging.MemoryLogger;

public class SpeechLoggingSamples {
    public static void fileLoggerWithoutFilters()

        // Other Speech SDK calls


    public static void FileLoggerWithFilters()
        String[] filters = { "YourFirstString", "YourSecondString" };

        // Other Speech SDK calls

    public static void memoryLoggerWithoutFilters()

        // Other Speech SDK calls

        // At any time (whether logging is stopped) you can dump the traces in memory to a file

        // Or dump to any object that is derived from java.io.Writer. For example, System.out

        // Or dump to a list of strings
        List<String> messages = MemoryLogger.dump();


    public static void eventLoggerWithoutFilters()
        final Object lockObject = new Object();
        List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();

        // Register a callback that will get invoked by Speech SDK on every new log message
        EventLogger.setCallback((message) -> {
            // Store the message for later processing. Better not processing it in the event thread
            synchronized (lockObject) {

        // Other Speech SDK calls

        // Stop logging by setting an empty callback

With Speech SDK version 1.43.0, the logging mechanism is extended with more types of loggers: File logger, Memory logger and Event logger.

  • File logger is the simplest logging solution and suitable for diagnosing most on-device issues when running Speech SDK.

  • Memory logger is a logging solution that stores log messages in memory. It's suitable for diagnosing issues that occur in a short period of time. For example, if you're running a Speech Recognizer, you might want to dump the memory logger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and can't be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer.

  • Event logger is a logging solution that sends log messages to the event handler which is provided by the developer. It's suitable for diagnosing issues when certain new log strings are as soon as available and need for further processing. For example, integrating Speech SDK logs with your existing logging collection system.

The file logger, memory logger, and event logger all have filter mechanism by only logging certain string messages. Also these loggers are process wide constructs. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there's one log file containing interleaved logs lines from all recognizers. You can't get a separate file logger for each recognizer. Similarly, there's one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers and you can only register one event handler as callback function to receive interleaved logs from all recognizers. You can't get a separate memory logger for each recognizer and you can't register an event handler for each recognizer. However, File logger, memory logger and event logger can coexist in the same process or in the same recognizer.


- (void)fileLoggerWithoutFilters {
    NSString *logFileName = @"speech_sdk.log";
    NSString *logFile = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]
    [SPXFileLogger start:logFile];
    // Other Speech SDK calls

    [SPXFileLogger stop];

- (void)fileLoggerWithFilters {
    NSString *logFileName = @"speech_sdk.log";
    NSString *logFile = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]
    NSArray *filters = @[@"YourFirstString", @"YourSecondString"];
    [SPXFileLogger setFilters:filters];
    [SPXFileLogger start:logFile];
    // Other Speech SDK calls

    [SPXFileLogger stop];
    [SPXFileLogger setFilters:nil];

- (void)memoryLoggerWithoutFilters {
    NSString *logFileName = @"speech_sdk.log";
    NSString *logFile = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]

    [SPXMemoryLogger start];
    // Other Speech SDK calls

    // At any time (whether logging is stopped) you can dump the traces in memory to a file
    [SPXMemoryLogger dumpToFile:logFile];

    [SPXMemoryLogger stop];

- (void)eventLoggingWithoutFilters {
    __block NSMutableArray *eventMsgs = [NSMutableArray array];

    // Register a callback that will get invoked by Speech SDK on every new log message
    [SPXEventLogger setCallback:^(NSString *message) {
        @synchronized(self) {
            [eventMsgs addObject:message];
    // Other Speech SDK calls

    // Stop event logging 
    [SPXEventLogger setCallback:nil];

With Speech SDK version 1.43.0, the logging mechanism is extended with more types of loggers: File logger, Memory logger and Event logger.

  • File logger is the simplest logging solution and suitable for diagnosing most on-device issues when running Speech SDK.

  • Memory logger is a logging solution that stores log messages in memory. It's suitable for diagnosing issues that occur in a short period of time. For example, if you're running a Speech Recognizer, you might want to dump the memory logger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and can't be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer.

  • Event logger is a logging solution that sends log messages to the event handler which is provided by the developer. It's suitable for diagnosing issues when certain new log strings are as soon as available and need for further processing. For example, integrating Speech SDK logs with your existing logging collection system.

The file logger, memory logger, and event logger all have filter mechanism by only logging certain string messages. Also these loggers are process wide constructs. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there's one log file containing interleaved logs lines from all recognizers. You can't get a separate file logger for each recognizer. Similarly, there's one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers and you can only register one event handler as callback function to receive interleaved logs from all recognizers. You can't get a separate memory logger for each recognizer and you can't register an event handler for each recognizer. However, File logger, memory logger and event logger can coexist in the same process or in the same recognizer.


import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
import azure.cognitiveservices.speech.diagnostics.logging as speechsdk_logging

def file_logger_without_filters():
    # Other Speech SDK calls

def file_logger_with_filters():
    filters = { "YourFirstString", "YourSecondString" }
    # Other Speech SDK calls

def memory_logger_without_filter():
    # Other Speech SDK calls
    # At any time (whether logging is stopped) you can dump the traces in memory to a file
    # Or dump to any object that is derived from IOBase. For example, sys.stdout
    # Or dump to a list of strings
    messages = speechsdk_logging.MemoryLogger.dump_to_list()

def event_logger_without_filter():
    messages = []
    lock = threading.Lock()
    # Register a callback that will get invoked by Speech SDK on every new log message
    def on_log(msg):
        with lock:
            # Store the message for later processing. Better not processing it in the event thread
    # Other Speech SDK calls
    # Stop logging by setting an empty callback

Next steps