Difference Between Virtual memory and Page File in SQL Server?
Hi there, In On Prem SQL Server with 4gb server memory and page file size 4206 MB. I ran DBCC memorystatus command and got below…
Purview Outlook mails to PDF conversion issue
Hi Folks Any one having this issue ? While saving mails to PDF while using purview 3.1 Reproduce issue - Open outlook - File - Print - Microsoft Print to PDF - print - Save - Error. When i click "learn more" , it open this page -…
How to get Domain from Whois History in Defender
Hi, I am trying to use the API to retrieve all the Whois domains that have specific email I need all the whois and whois history and i didn't find API for history by email , This work "GET…
How to remove an email that seems to have attached itself to my own email.
Hi, whenever someone sends an email to my live.com.au email address, the recipient receives a bounced email notification but the email address has got nothing to do with my personal email. it’s like this email address is linked to my own but I don’t…
PXE boot failing
Dear Team, We have configured SCCM PXE on one of our DP and made the changes into the DHCP for port 66 and 67. This is the first time we are going to build a PC over the network. While attempting to test the device, we are getting the below error…
Favorite (bookmarks) click leads to instant crash
Version 134.0.3124.62 (Official build) (arm64) Please help us. It's been frustrating. The original ticket from MS Support forum:…
SQL Server 2022 Oops... Error decompressing SQL Server media
Hello, I am trying to install SQL Server 2022 for the first time, but it gives me this error. I spent about 10 days to find the main cause of this problem and try to solve it, but it seems that is a new one. I tried to: remove .exe installation file…
Access blocked: Authorization Error from Google when trying to setup outlook new
Hi, Cannot setup Outlook new on my computer, when Outlook new is trying to open my gmail account I get the following error messages: Access blocked: Authorization Error Missing required parameter: redirect_uri Error 400: invalid_request How to solve this…
Clarification on Exchange SE Licensing and Upgrade Setup
Dear Microsoft Team, I hope this message finds you well. Below is the current setup for our Exchange environment: Four Servers running Microsoft Exchange Enterprise 2019 with a single product key (CU14) and DAG configuration. 2000 CAL Licenses in…
Can not login to M365 Admin Center
While following the AZ104 Module Create, configure, and manage identities, step to Assign a license to a group #5, I am getting an error message "You can't sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead." I am…
Unable to Enable CDC in SQL Server 2019
Encountering the following error message while attempting to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) on a SQL Server 2019 database: Msg 22830, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sys.sp_cdc_enable_db_internal, Line 258 [Batch Start Line 8] Could not update the…
Data missing from Planetary Computer? 3dep-lidar-copc
Hello I can't reach the urls in this STAC catalog, does anyone know if it's been decommissioned/deleted: https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/dataset/3dep-lidar-copc https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1/collections/3dep-lidar-copc
Microsoft ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
I have this code var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId) .WithClientSecret(clientSecret) .WithAuthority(authority, _validateAuthority) .Build(); The _validateAuthority is set to false,…

Trying to create external idp for Microsoft office online
I'm trying to configurate sso authentication for keycloak uses to sharepoint. I created an external idp as written here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/external-id/direct-federation#how-to-configure-samlws-fed-idp-federation . And client in…
Recover file form Azure File Share
I have Created Azure File share for central File management and used to map it on end devices. Noticed one of the folder is missing from our share drive. How to restore deleted/missing files and how long does retention goes back to ?
How to connect to Azure File Share via PtoS VPN (443 Blocked by ISP) -
Hello all. I have an Azure fileshare that I use as a mapped drive for SQL and file backups from my Windows Server 2019 machine. It is a mapped drive and was working just great until I changed ISPs. My new ISP blocks port 445. No problem I figure, I'll…
Azure Data factory Support with Sharepoint (Target)
We have a requirement to push files into microsoft sharepoint. Does Azure Data Factory has a connector to perform this operation using copy data Activity?

Querying 'spotevictionrate' through Azure Resource Graph Explorer returns no data.
Hello, Azure developer. I have two questions to ask. 1."Querying 'spotevictionrate' through Azure Resource Graph Explorer returns no data. "What does the 'score' represent under 'microsoft.compute/skualternativespotvmsize/location'?"
Adf set increment counter
In ADF I am using ForEach activity(iterate 5000) which contains IF ELSE condition. When IF condition satisfied then I am performing task x. Now I need to set threshold counter (+1) , so that once threshold reach => 1000 and IF conditions satisfied…
Azure password writeback and Onprem AD - SSPR
G'Day, 1 - The tenant has Business Premium licenses and does not have azure P1 or P2. I don't think P1 is required for password writeback. I was able to successfully set up SSPR, a hard match for the existing onprem users and the user was…