421,090 questions

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1 answer

How to find the Azure Container Registry URL for an Azure ML environment registered from a local Dockerfile?

I registered an environment in Azure Machine Learning starting from a local Dockerfile and context with CLI v2. Now I want to retrieve in which repository on the Azure Container Registry this image was pushed by AML during the environment registration…

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
3,181 questions
asked 2025-03-14T14:11:24.4+00:00
G Cocci 216 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
answered 2025-03-14T18:11:56.2533333+00:00
Suwarna S Kale 1,191 Reputation points
2 answers

Unable to start Microsoft Learn Sandbox with my working MSFT account

I am unable to start the Microsoft Learn Sandbox. As suggested on other message boards, I have logged out of all accounts, deleted all the history, and cleared the cache, but I am still unable to start the Sandbox. I've included a few snapshots below to…

Azure Training
Azure Training
Azure: A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
2,226 questions
asked 2025-03-14T06:04:05.9+00:00
sgmantwo-1364 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T18:11:03.2666667+00:00
sgmantwo-1364 0 Reputation points
1 answer


Hello, i got a problem with ONE DRIVE. The button export to excel disapered but only when im inside my folder and not when im on a site folder

OneDrive Management
OneDrive Management
OneDrive: A Microsoft file hosting and synchronization service.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
1,399 questions
asked 2025-03-14T07:57:48.0133333+00:00
Jordan MAZOYER 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T18:09:26.2466667+00:00
David Tetreau 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Screen Sharing with VideoStream in ACS Communication-Calling SDK

In the Beta versions of the @azure/communication-calling SDK, there was an option to send a media stream as an argument while starting screen sharing in a call. However, this option appears to be missing in the GA versions. The following code snippet…

Azure Communication Services
Azure Communication Services
An Azure communication platform for deploying applications across devices and platforms.
1,042 questions
asked 2025-03-10T07:28:51.8+00:00
Sandeep Reddy Gomaram 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T18:07:27.44+00:00
Bhargavi Naragani 1,460 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

Unable to get the values of OnPremises* attributes for the user in Entra ID via MS Graph PS module

Hello, MS decommissions old PS MSOnline and AzureAD modules and recommends to use Microsoft.Graph instead. I was unable to get the values ​​of these attributes using something like: Get-MgUser -UserId "******@company.com" | Format-List * it…

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
13,260 questions
asked 2025-03-14T12:40:38.4733333+00:00
Allan Stark 501 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T18:06:10.9833333+00:00
Vasil Michev 115.3K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

Need to implement an alert for azure storage account container instances

Hello every one, I have a storage account / container instances , where i do share files and i have enabled the third party to access from the SFTP. But, their party lost their connections and i want to set up an alert when they access the container and…

Azure Cloud Services
Azure Cloud Services
An Azure platform as a service offer that is used to deploy web and cloud applications.
733 questions
asked 2025-03-14T12:30:16.5966667+00:00
Ajay S V 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T18:04:09.79+00:00
Suwarna S Kale 1,191 Reputation points
0 answers

OpenAI o1 unable to understand documents with lines connecting data (leader lines, elbow connectors, etc.)

See the attached image . Upload it to o1 and try asking it, "What are the possible options for the rightmost empty box?" This is easy for a human to do, but o1 can't do it, even with very detailed prompting.

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
3,790 questions
asked 2025-03-14T18:03:24.61+00:00
Tyler Suard 130 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Streaming music on hold

Hi there, I was trying to configure Teams music on hold to be Streaming Music on Hold. Does the server have to authenticate with Azure? -StreamingSourceAuthType AzureAd I added the streaming URL but get errors in Powershell - does the tenant have to be…

Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,656 questions
asked 2025-03-05T16:09:23.7533333+00:00
Darren 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T18:02:52.1633333+00:00
tader32 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Why are my custom drawn checkboxes sometimes rendering in a different way to normal ones?

I asked about rendering dark mode checkboxes recently here on Microsoft Q & A. An elegant solution was provided via the custom draw concept: #pragma warning(disable: 26429) bool CDarkModeBase::OnNotify( _In_ const CWnd* pParentWnd, _In_ LPARAM…

A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,880 questions
asked 2025-03-13T14:52:43.2+00:00
ChuckieAJ 316 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-03-14T18:00:27.6133333+00:00
ChuckieAJ 316 Reputation points
2 answers

I'm experiencing problems with EF and SQL Server when running on Azure Webservice. The same code runs fine from VS with same db.

If I turn debugging on and connect my VS to the process, the error doesn't occur. Also I can run the code just fine from Visual Studio towards the same database. I do not Lazy Load. All Queries ens with ToFirstAsync() or ToListAsync() and has a Select to…

Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework Core
A lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the Entity Framework data access technology.
779 questions
Azure SQL Database
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,456 questions
Azure Startups
Azure Startups
Azure: A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.Startups: Companies that are in their initial stages of business and typically developing a business model and seeking financing.
630 questions
asked 2025-02-15T10:00:46.1533333+00:00
Tomas Ekenman 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T18:00:23.37+00:00
Tomas Ekenman 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to host private images for fine-tuning GPT4o?

I'm trying to fine-tune a gpt-4o model using some internal image data but running into trouble with specifying the path in the train/validation jsonl file. I initially encoded them as base64 images but even a single image causes the training file to go…

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
3,790 questions
asked 2025-03-14T18:00:14.8766667+00:00
Tracy Rohlin 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Azure Data Explorer ingests duplicated records from Event Hub

We have data ingestions set up between an event hub and Azure Data Explorer. There are abnormally high duplicated records in Azure Data Explorer database tables. I understand that the ingestion delivery is at least once. having dups are sort of expected.…

Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer
An Azure data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from sources including applications, websites, and internet of things devices.
553 questions
asked 2025-03-14T17:59:18.19+00:00
J.P. Zhang 0 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to convert EXISITING VM from PAYG to Reserved Instance?

See title. I have exisiting PAYG VMs that I want to convert to 1 year RI. How can I achieve this

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
8,510 questions
asked 2025-03-13T18:52:05.22+00:00
Zach U 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-14T17:58:59.8133333+00:00
Zach U 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Troubleshooting "Certificate validation failed. UntrustedRoot" Error in Azure IoT Operations with OPC UA Connector

Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an issue when establishing a secure connection using the Azure IoT Operations connector for OPC UA to an OPC UA server. The error message I received after adding an asset…

Azure IoT Operations
Azure IoT Operations
Azure IoT Operations is a set of modular services enabled by Azure Arc.
40 questions
asked 2025-03-13T13:10:05.2333333+00:00
MohdFhG 55 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T17:58:06.0933333+00:00
Sander van de Velde | MVP 35,411 Reputation points MVP
0 answers

I am not able to create free Microsoft developer program

I am not able to create account on free Microsoft developer program , please help me if you any lead

SharePoint Development
SharePoint Development
SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,420 questions
asked 2025-03-14T17:57:35.6633333+00:00
Keval Rathod 0 Reputation points
0 answers

[Azure Api Management] How to forward Authorization Header to Backend

Hello, I configured my Api management instance to pre validate jwts with the validate-azure-ad-token policy, and it's working as expected. But I also want to forward the same authorization token to the backend so it can also validate it and use…

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
2,326 questions
asked 2025-03-13T17:20:28.1033333+00:00
Raphael Silva 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T17:57:09.2966667+00:00
Raphael Silva 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Incomplete Files from Copy Data Command in Azure Data Factory pipeline when uploading data from Snowflake

I am experiencing an issue where the file-sink of the Copy Data command (SnowflakeExportCopyCommand) is producing incomplete files when uploading data from Snowflake to Azure Blob Storage in our Azure Data Factory pipeline. Observations: The number of…

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
11,344 questions
asked 2025-03-12T19:07:37.29+00:00
Susan Rakers 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T17:56:26.1966667+00:00
Susan Rakers 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Can not delete Azure resources

Tried to delete Azure resources. But I can not delete the resources. Also, I faced issues migrating the resource groups from STS to MS Partner network subscription.

Azure Cost Management
Azure Cost Management
A Microsoft offering that enables tracking of cloud usage and expenditures for Azure and other cloud providers.
3,126 questions
asked 2025-03-14T15:20:32.6066667+00:00
Chathura Ariyadasa 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-14T17:56:21.03+00:00
Chiugo Okpala 950 Reputation points MVP
0 answers

unable to connect to public endpoint sql managed server with local ssms

TITLE: Connect to Server Cannot connect to myother-sql-managed-instance.45078941a72e.database.windows.net. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not…

Microsoft Identity Manager
Microsoft Identity Manager
A family of Microsoft products that manage a user's digital identity using identity synchronization, certificate management, and user provisioning.
806 questions
asked 2025-03-14T17:53:37.4166667+00:00
Mike Yother 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Trouble connecting Azure SQL Database to from my PC SSMS

I have paid for Support yet this form seems to be destined for a community forum (to judge by instructions above the box for input of Details. In the first instance how do I obtain the private support paid for, please?

Azure SQL Database
asked 2025-03-14T13:59:14.95+00:00
JonathanPegg-6724 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-14T17:53:16.4866667+00:00
Oury Ba-MSFT 20,446 Reputation points Microsoft Employee